コーニッシュ レックスの猫 101 : 豆知識 & ;神話

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In today’s video, we are going to talk about some interesting facts and myths, about the Cornish Rex Cat.

The Cornish Rex is a rather distinctive-looking cat breed. As a result, it should come as no surprise to learn that there are a number of interesting facts about them, which should appeal to cat owners as well as other people who are interested in cats for whatever reason.

Cornish means something that comes from Cornwall. For those who are unfamiliar with that name, it is the region situated at the southwestern tip of England, which has been inhabited by the Cornish for a long, long time.

The Cornish Rex is a small to medium-sized cat. Because she stands high on her legs, she appears to be a large cat until you pick her up.

Because of the slender boning on the Cornish Rex, she may feel almost dainty, but this cat is athletic and not fragile at all.

The Cornish Rex has a small, narrow head with large ears and eyes that look large for the size of the head. She has a Roman nose, a strong chin, and long, slender legs. The tail is also slender and long, with a great degree of flexibility.

The coat of the Cornish Rex is unique among cats. It is silky and soft, but forms itself into waves that look a bit like corn rows.

Here are some interesting facts about the Cornish Rex Cat.

1. Rex Means King.

The other component of the name Cornish Rex comes from the Latin for “king.” In fact, Rex was the title that was used for the rulers of the Roman Kingdom, though it saw a fair amount of use in other contexts as well. Some people might be curious about whether the Romans ever used Rex as a pet name. If so, they might be disappointed to learn that, while the Romans seemed to have a similar naming sense, they were very fond of using Greek names for their pets. This is the reason that a lot of Roman pets ran around with names such as Sticte and Tigris, which are amusing because they mean “Spot” and “Tiger.”

2. Named For a Rabbit.

With that said, it is amusing to note that the Cornish Rex is named for a rabbit. To be exact, the Cornish Rex is named for the rex rabbit, which is a rather informal term used for a number of domestic rabbit breeds, that exhibit what is a very plush sort of fur called rex fur. This comes from the fact that a rex rabbit has no guard hairs in its fur, meaning that the hairs in its fur share the same shortness of length. Combined with their dense distribution, this is what creates the plush feeling, which in turn, is why the Cornish Rex is named for the rex rabbit.

3. They Started Out in 1950s.

The Cornish Rex’s origins can be traced to Cornwall in the 1950s. What happened was that a female cat bore a litter of kittens, which happened to include one with a genetic mutation that caused it to have a rather unusual coat of fur, which stood out in the sense that it was both very fine and very curly. The kitten’s name was Kallibunker, which is worth remembering because he went on to become the progenitor of the cats that make up the Cornish Rex breed in the present.

4. The Cornish Rex Can Still Trigger Allergies.

There are some people who believe that the Cornish Rex is either non-allergenic or hypo-allergenic, because of its relative lack of fur. However, this is inaccurate in most cases. This is because most people who have allergic reactions to cats, are allergic to a particular protein that can be found in cat saliva, as well as cat dander. Unfortunately, when a cat grooms itself, it will transfer some of its saliva to its hairs, where it will end up as dust that can be breathed in by people sharing the same space. Since the Cornish Rex does a fair amount of grooming, this means that people are by no means safe from allergies, just because they have a member of this particular cat breed in their home. With that said, it is interesting to note that people have reported lower incidences of cat allergies in relation to the Cornish Rex, though interested individuals should still test their reaction to such a cat before taking further steps to bring one home.


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