Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina/ The Fryderyk Chopin Institute

All rights reserved 2015
The Fryderyk Chopin Institute, Polish Television TVP

Zapraszamy do śledzenia transmisji z Konkursu na kanale/ Broadcasts from the Competition can be followed on the Chopin Institute’s YouTube channel:

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  1. The least of her performances at the competition. Her body language, facial expressions were expressive of discomfort. She made many more errors than in the first stage. Too many are performing better in the second stage for her to advance. I really admire Aimi and believe that she will have a great career.

  2. A Beautiful rendition filled with emotion and soul! A piece which brings the heart to the throat and although there were a few slips, it's stance was so gracefully performed that they just melted into the enormous emotional field coming from the instrument and the magical touch of sweet and perfect harmonics, probably even done by Chopin himself under the state of inner sorrow he was undergoing at the time he actually played it for the first time…. This piece says much much more in its emotional output than in its structure. It is a piece straight from the heart and Aimi has transcended that very emotion beautifully with all the tenderness and grace it held locked within it. Under these conditions, any slips are irrelevant and not so important since the composer's Full Intent has so wonderfully been rendered ! We have witnessed the very heart of Chopin in this rendition which is infinitely more appreciative to the heart than a perfectionism in a mechanical form of interpretation. Her movement supersedes any slips of the hand since she brought the heart of Chopin to ours where both have fused together. To me, this is priceless!

  3. There are great artists! I'm aimi's fan actually,bcause her piano style is still growing.I don't care how many miss touches she made here.I just want her to keep living in this perfect wonderful music world and learn a lot to keep growing.

  4. we usually hear soulless interpretations of this, and so, when we hear full emotion playing like miss Kobayashi offers, it may be bizarre to some of us.. She has also great bel canto line and dynamics, such of the operas of Vicenzo Bellini ask for, whom Chopin admired him the most.

  5. Aimi Ko bayashi you ARE THE ONE ….no question in my heart…..

  6. Un concerto dedicato interamente a Chopin il pubblico lo accetta e lo gradisce fino in fondo, perchè denso di emotività; un concerto dedicato interamente a J.S.Bach eseguito al pianoforte a mio avviso risulta pesante perchè un suono monotono mentre al cembalo è perfetto. Approfitto di dire che da alcuni anni seguo le prodezze di Aimi e di Tiffany . Tuttavia io penso che per loro 60 concerti non li reggono perchè troppo faticoso; sono carine e delicate , ma quando si tratta di fatica meglio il maschio perchè resistente e adatto a una fatica così rilevante .

  7. 愛美のように演奏できる人、他にいるのかな。その才能に嫉妬されるか、称賛されるか。我が道をいってください。

  8. AIMI è gioiello musicale da attivare con parsimonia per non deteriorare il rendimento artistico.

  9. Aimiさん、弾いているときに苦しそうな変な顔をしなければ、ショパンコンクールも受け、評価が違っていると思いました。癖になっている感があり、直した方がお得です。

  10. 这是我听到的最为舒服的版本。对音乐情绪的把握非常到位。

  11. Very good playing.. if she could play the first half of this song the way she plays the second half after the diminuendo, it would have made this an excellent performance.

  12. Lovely, but i prefer a broader, more leisurely interpretation with a far more intense quasi-WAGNERIAN climax.. The Barcarolle should elapse dreamily over a period of never less than nine minutes.

  13. 今更だけど、100回聞いてもあきない名演奏。天才とか言う話ではなく最高の舟唄。そう思います。

  14. この曲を超えるピアノ曲を


  15. やはり、ショパンの演奏、特に舟歌はダンタイソンに限る。小林さんの演奏は、どれも安物で聴く価値ない。

  16. Funny thing about the International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition…
    Judging from Chopin's true "artist" personality, and his disdain for piano concerts held simply for virtuosi performance, Chopin himself probably wouldn't approve of using his "High Art" music as a basis for performance competitions. It seemed to me he'd simply listen to each "competitor" and tell them what they needed to work on. He wouldn't say, "Congratulations! You're NUMBER ONE!" followed by "Sorry, you're NUMBER TWO", etc. He seemed a pure artist and teacher, not a competitor or judge.

  17. Wonderful Performance!

    Blessed are the hands that play Chopin or Tchaikovsky so beautifully in bringing to life miracles of human ingenuity. Without those hands we would have never known what those dots and lines meant on a piece of paper!

  18. 小林さんは本当に女性ならではの洗練された演奏をされる方だと思います。この音色は、