【不適切にもほどがある】③かんたん英語リスニング  大人気ドラマの台詞で学ぶ英会話 阿部サダヲ、吉田羊、古田新太、仲里依紗などの出演陣で宮藤官九郎が脚本担当で話題のドラマで英語学習

[Music] listening to learn from the words of drama don’t turn it off don’t turn it off don’t turn it off don’t turn it off I’m watching I’m watching I’m watching I’m watching no watching this stupid show will make you stupid no watching this stupid show will make you stupid no watching this stupid show will make you stupid no watching this stupid show will make you stupid I’ve got to return this to you I’ve got to return this to you I’ve got to return this to you I’ve got to return this to you the old pervert is back the old pervert is back the old pervert is back back the old pervert is back I haven’t even watched it yet I haven’t even watched it yet I haven’t even watched it yet I haven’t even watched it yet now I’m working in the same workplace as he is now I’m working in the same workplace as he is now I’m working in the same workplace as he is now I’m working in the same workplace as he is I bought a large shaera bus for cheap and put it to use I bought a large shaera bus for cheap and put put it to use I bought a large show aab bus for cheap and put it to use I bought a large show AA bus for cheap and put it to use he’s the inventor of the time machine he’s the inventor of the time machine he’s the inventor of the time machine he’s the inventor of the time machine I’m on the baseball field in show a 61 I’m on the baseball field in show a 61 I’m on the baseball field and show us 61 I’m on the baseball field in showa 61 you’re annoying me you’re annoying me you’re annoying me you’re annoying me if you have something to say say it if you have something to say say it if you have something to say say it if you have something to say say it the call dropped the call dropped the call dropped the call dropped why don’t you go see him why don’t you go see him why don’t you go see him why don’t you go see him it’s pathetic it’s pathetic it’s pathetic it’s pathetic you keep saying things I don’t understand I invented the time machine and yet I can’t board it I invented the time machine and yet I can’t board it I invented the time machine and yet I can’t board it it’s the most extreme show right now it’s the most extreme show right now it’s the most extreme show right now it’s the most extreme show right now someone has a nip slip every week someone has a nip slip every week someone has a nip slip every week someone has a nip slip every week Jun is not going to have a nip slip junko’s not going to have a nip slip junko is not going to have a nip slip junko is not going to have a nip slip he’s annoying stinky dirty and busy he’s annoying stinky dirty and busy he’s annoying stinky dirty and busy he’s annoying stinky dirty and busy not on this perverted show not on this perverted show not on this perverted show not on this perverted shell his only good point was that he seemed clean his only good point was that he seemed clean his only good point was that he seemed clean his only good point was that he seemed clean I’ll give you a rundown of the program I’ll give you a rundown of the program I’ll give you a rundown of the program I’ll give you a rundown of the program if you’ll cause a scene leave if you’ll cause a scene leave if you’ll cause a scene leave if you’ll cause a scene leave so cute can be seen as sexual harassment so cute can be seen as sexual harassment so cute can be seen as sexual harassment so cute can be seen as sexual harassment that makes me feel conflicted that makes me feel conflicted that makes me feel conflicted that makes me feel conflicted apologize before you start getting bashed apologize before you start getting bashed apologize before you start getting bashed it made me happy I’ll make everything work out in the end I’ll make everything work out in the end I’ll make everything work out in the end I’ll make everything work out in the end give me instructions directly give me instructions directly give me instructions directly give me instructions directly let me promote my play properly though let me promote my play properly though let me promote my play properly though see let me promote my play properly though an inappropriate remark was made an inappropriate remark was made an inappropriate remark was made an inappropriate remark was made [Music]

#リスニング#英会話#vivant#台詞#聞き流し#かんたん英語#聞き流し#リスニング#英語#聞くだけ#勉強#シャドーイング#ディクテーション #shadowing #dictation #english #englishlistening #netflix #不適切にもほどがある#阿部サダヲ#宮藤官九郎#仲里依紗


#English #英語表現 #英語勉強 #英語 #英会話 #リスニング #聞き流し #英語学習 #シャドーイング #スピーキング #発音 #矯正 #フレーズ #英単語 #復唱 #英語リスニング聞き流し #英語初心者 #英語リスニング #英語聞き流し

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.
