Christy Turlington, 54 years old and ex-supermodel shares her secrets that keeps her looking young. Beauty & diet tips.

Meet 54-year old Christy Turlington, one of the oldest supermodels on our planet, who still looks 30. In today’s video Christy will share her ultimate secrets to maintain a youthful looking and a healthy and active lifestyle. The ex-supermodel will share her best-kept beauty and skincare secrets, her full exercise plan and healthy diet secrets that keep her fit and in shape.

The easy health and longevity secrets discussed in the video can easily be applied by yourself. So you can look beautiful and youthful forever and age in a reverse way.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that Healthy Aging Secrets is not a medical advice platform, and all the information shared through our videos, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and other materials, is solely intended for informational purposes. The content presented in our videos should not be considered as a substitute for seeking professional medical advice from your doctor. It is important to understand that all information provided in our videos is only intended for educational purposes.

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.
