Mori, Hokkaido|Japan Walking Tour【4K】

I took a walk from Mori Station to Mori Town.

Mori Town has a population of about 14,500 and is a thriving fishing and farming town.

Mori Station is also known for selling “Ikameshi,” a popular ekiben (boxed lunch) famous all over Japan.


Date of recording: October 14, 2021


  1. …a lot of abandoned houses, barricaded former shops, empty plots full of debris and junk… thriving ❓🤔😄🤣The only thing "thriving" here seems to be the wild growth of weed 🌱🌾🤣

  2. eu sempre imaginei ver alguém atravessar a linha do trem bem no momento em q o sinal sonoro começa a tocar e a pessoa tem q correr pra atravessar 😅 😁 😄

  3. 懐かしいな!

  4. 祖父母が 住んでいた町。検索したら 見つけました☝️
    踏み切りから海岸🐚 ~ 町役場までの 坂道結構キツかった💦
    春には 満開の桜🌸が綺麗です。
    函館や札幌は 懐かしみつつ、行った事の無い道東とか🐻 楽しみ☺️

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