Bologna is packed full of culture, history and great food. Here I take you on a walk through the city and show you some of its most iconic landmarks.

I didn’t visit everywhere you’d want to see if you come for yourself, there’s simply too much to cram into one video. For example, I’d definitely recommend you do the 5km hike up the longest strech of porticos in the world to San Luca, a church perched on a hill overlooking the city and surrounding countryside.

I tried to give you some info in the commentary but of course there’s always so much more to be said, especially in a city so rich in history. So if you’re interested in knowing more about anything then feel free to ask!


  1. Perfect Chris! Bologna in nine minutes. Small and complete.
    Next time you can go to visit St. Luca and St. Michele in Bosco churches, so you can view from above all the city. And at night you can go in some small nightclub (called "Osteria") to listen music (live jazz, pop, rock, indie…) and drink local wine or taste local backery products or fresh pasta.
    See you!
    by real bologna's citizen

  2. Great man, We're going to visit Tuscany this summer so thanks for this inspiring video. Will follow your tour :o).

  3. This was the best city vlog, I watched and, I watch a lot. Awesome, great info. Happ we will spend 5 days in bologna in aug 2016. Thx

  4. Bellissimo paese. Bellissima Bologna. Bellissima lingua. L'Italia è un museo nel migliore senso positivo della parola.

  5. Thank you Chris! 👍 i'm born and live in Bologna, is unique!!! In the world ther isn't another city like Bologna❤

  6. At first I thought I was watching on on 1.50x speed play but it was on normal!!! Thank you for literally a quick video of Bologna, my friends and I are off to there in a few weeks time!

  7. Nice video, man. I enjoyed it a lot. I do have a remark though. Towards the end (right after the big market which sells pretty much everything) you show a monument and you say it is dedicated to the Resistance in WWII. It is actually dedicated to events during the Spring of the peoples and the year 1848 is written on it in Latin numbers.

  8. I hardly saw a tree or a blade of grass! If my family lived like that in 1904, I would move to Philadelphia, Brooklyn or Chicago without giving it a second thought, and never look back!

  9. Good job – actually identifying things as you show them. Saving this for my actual trip there.

  10. What places do you recommend for non religious students to visit lmao. For example that park at the end

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