(イギリス人妻が初めて食べるザンギ!日本語字幕付き!) We visited the birthplace of Hokkaido’s soul food, a succulent, crispy, deep fried chicken dish called Zangi! In today’s Hokkaido food tour vlog, we’re taking you to Kushiro to try this delicious Japanese fried chicken dish that even the majority of Japanese people don’t know about! More info below 👇

*Other must-try food in Japan:* https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDLZ4anhwcYYabBH0FnMSX3OvfURsaN54

*Want to see more of Hokkaido?:*
Last video: https://youtu.be/yWLClE7llZQ
Check out our Hokkaido Travel Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDLZ4anhwcYYKiXA_PRURXrpm-UUE7EG7

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#外国人の反応 #イギリス妻 #北海道グルメ #ザンギ #osharejapan #hokkaidojapan

Hi! We’re Kiwi 🙋🏼‍♀️ and Bear 🙋🏻‍♂️.
We’re a British and Japanese “YouTuber” international couple living in Japan. We make food and travel vlogs about Japan’s 47 Prefectures from our self-converted van to help you discover Japan like a local!

*See our Japan travel playlist:* https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDLZ4anhwcYaJ2R23jgDXUra4o7jQ5vJF

📍*Zangi Fried Chicken Restaurant*
Tricky (お弁当 定食 焼き鳥 ザンギ もつ煮 トリッキー)

*What is “Zangi”?*
Hokkaido’s soul food, Zangi (ザンギ) is a local fried chicken dish loved by Hokkaido citizens that can be found in supermarkets, izakayas (Japanese pubs), and family restaurants all over the prefecture, but it is not well-known in Japan. Zangi is often confused with karaage (唐揚げ), otherwise known as “Japanese fried chicken”, which can be found all over Japan. In fact, even Japanese people often don’t know the difference! So we’re here to taste and tell you the difference between zangi and karaage, two delicious fried chicken favourites from Japan!

*Zangi or Karaage?*
The main difference between zangi and karaage can be seen in the traditional zangi, which includes bones, but nowadays zangi comes in boneless form and sauce-drenched versions called zantare. So how is the boneless version different to karaage? It’s all about the timing of the seasoning! Want to know more about the flavours and how each Japanese fried chicken dish tastes? Watch to find out!

*Where does the name “Zangi” come from?*
Zangi is a word that originally came from the Chinese “jaji” or “zagi”, meaning “chicken”. With the “n”, meaning “lucky” or “happiness” in Japanese, this Hokkaido delicacy translates as “Lucky Chicken” and if you’re lucky enough to visit Hokkaido, you shouldn’t miss the opportunity to try this famous dish!

📍*Kushiro Wetlands Observation Point*
Kushiro Marsh Hosooka Observatory / 釧路湿原 細岡展望台

0:00 Welcome to Kushiro in Hokkaido!/ 釧路グルメの旅
1:21 Japanese Fried Chicken Restaurant, Zangi/ 釧路のザンギ 定食のお店 トリッキー
2:15 What is “zangi”?/ ザンギと唐揚げの違い
3:22 Trying Hokkaido’s soul food for the first time/初めてザンギを食べたイギリス妻の反応
9:55 Kushiro Marsh Hosooka Observatory / 釧路湿原 細岡展望台


  1. お米と🍚ザンギは相性バッチリでしょう🤗御二人さん、北海道の食べ物美味しいから体重増えたのと違いますか😅これから北海道は寒くなります風邪😷など引かないようにバンライフ楽しんで下さいね😃

  2. ザンギ未体験です。北海道は独特な進化を遂げた食材が多いですね。それしてもすごいボリューム。

  3. まさに味付けが勝負の食べ物ですね。美味しくて良かった。北海道は、肉や魚が、本当に美味しいです。

  4. The magnificence of Kushiro Marsh.
    For some reason, it's cloudy ☁️ like after the rain ☔️ , and even though it's overcast, it's amazing 😳, I guess it's the power of nature that you can feel it.
    ( ・∇・)✨ It's wonderful. I can't believe I was able to see Tancho Crane too…!! I'm sure you'll be happy ⭐️ wonderful things will come. I'm sure😊!!️" The size of "Zangi 🍗" is as expected from Hokkaido 👍🏻, and "Crunchy juwa ~ !! , (カリカリのジュわ〜!! )" It's the best way to fry (^-^)v.
    Yuzu pepper is also spicy and you can enjoy the change of taste. After all, it goes well with white rice🍚! ( *^▽^*)👍🏻

  5. Holy ₡rap, very lucky, another close encounter with red-crowned cranes (I hope you guys stopped for a few pics with the "pics-camera"…)

  6. hola yo los sigo dede el video cuando visitaron a la suegra en inglaterra por culpa de uds estoy aprendiendo ingles y algo de japones mis mejores vibras para uds felicidades

  7. あー腹減った!北海道行きたい。ザンギ食べたい。

  8. ザンギー・・君たちザンゲーして欲しい、今日はオシャレジャパン見た時間が夕食前の 5:50 だぞ~!。だけどザンギー半端ないな~量、質、共に完敗しました。39~。

  9. Hokkaido?
    Should have come to me!
    I’m known locally in Japan as the Hokkaido expert and can answer almost any question you have regarding the beautiful country.
    Founded in 1854 by the British, it went on to become the world’s largest producer of cotton and glass. It is also famous for its egg and cress sandwiches found in petrol stations all over the world. It’s known as the ‘class clown!’ of Asia.
    For more facts or if you’d like to feature me in your videos for a small fee, drop me a pm!

  10. 昨年来た時、食べてなかったのですね、セイコーマートのホットシェフのザンギも食べて下さい。

  11. ザンギ美味しそうです❗️北海道の美味しい食材で又バンライフでのキャンプ料理も見せて下さいね♪それにしてもサングラス🕶がとてもお似合いのお二人で超〜オシャレ〜❗️🇯🇵🇬🇧

  12. Beautiful food, delicious scenery-that sounds like an amazing day!💕 it's so cool you guys got to see the cranes again! That is so lucky!

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