#japan #Mount Daisen #Daisen-Oki National Park #kaike onsen #Shinto Jinja #onsen #ryokan #ジャパン #大山隠岐国立公園#会家 温泉 #心と 神社 #温泉 #旅館

NOTE: 英語の下の日本語漢字翻訳。

Welcome to my “Japan Odyssey 2022” video series! I DO NOT monetize my YouTube channel, I produce these merely for my (and hopefully your) enjoyment! If you have questions or comments, please leave me a comment in the video comment section. I do reply as best as I can!

My videos are unlike any other “Japan travel” videos out there; Instead of the hyped and fast-paced “Things to see in Japan or Tokyo in 10 minutes” types of videos, my video series shows “the real” Japan in both photos and video forms through the eyes of a REAL American tourist. I have traveled Japan extensively since 2017, visiting most of the major regions of Japan with the exception of Hokkaido (which I will do in 2023).

In September 2022, Japan was still officially “closed” to outsiders; As such, my difficulty in obtaining the travel visa gave credence to how few gaijin had traveled there prior to me – only 8,000 travel visas had been granted prior to mine in 2022! Japan finally opened her borders on October 11, 2022 – after I was safely back to America!

As a result, I was met with amazement, fear, happiness, joy, and surprise by all Japanese I met along my journey in 2022! They simply hadn’t seen foreigners since early 2020.

Please bounce through my videos to see which specific areas or regions interest you. My videos capture the real Japan!

The dictionary definition of an “Odyssey” is:

1. A long wandering or voyage, usually marked by many changes of fortune;
2. an intellectual or spiritual wandering or quest, characterized by self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment.

This is precisely why I have again named my four week journey in Japan “My Japan Odyssey 2022” – as I did also in 2017, 2018, and 2019 (find all 94 videos from my 2017, 2018 and 2019 Odyssey trips in my Channel “Playlists”). Again, It was much more than a simple “vacation” or “tourist trip” for me; Rather, it provided me with an opportunity to wander away from tourist areas, and voyage into a land and people that I really still knew little about.

To me, Japan possesses everything that I desired for my spiritual Odyssey in 2022 (and forever more): A vastly different culture, language, food, geography, religion, and people than here in America – which gave me time to reflect on my own personal life-path, and to discover new things about myself intellectually and spiritually. An Odyssey!

In Japan, I found “Spiritual Enlightenment” in the simple Shinto and Buddhist belief systems of Japan and their temples and shrines. I found happiness and lifetime memories in the smiles of those Japanese I met along my 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2022 Odysseys, and I found peace in my own life through all of the “alone” time I had on the Odyssey. This year’s travels were especially “unusual” and different, given the corona disaster.

About these videos: I again mainly produce these videos as a means to give my distant family and friends an efficient and fun way to see my photos and videos. Based on my YouTube data from my 2017, 2018, 2019 Odyssey videos, however, it is obvious that many people around the world enjoy viewing my daily videos.

This is video of Day 12. Once again, I provide an itinerary of each day’s big brush activities in the beginning of the video. I will be releasing a video of each day of my 2022 Odyssey once I finish each one – Please be patient, I have a real job, and a real life. This is just “fun” for me! I make no money on these videos.

If you have any questions or comments on the video, please ask by posting your comment or questions you have on the video! Watch for other subsequent videos to be rolled out over the coming months. I do reply to them as best as I can!


Steve Kreitz (Miku Fan USA)
Minnesota, USA

私の「Japan Odyssey 2022」ビデオシリーズへようこそ!私は自分の YouTube チャンネルを収益化しません。これらは単に私 (そしてできればあなた) の楽しみのために作成しています。質問やコメントがある場合は、動画のコメント欄にコメントを残してください。私はできる限り最善を尽くして返信します!

私のビデオは、他の「日本旅行」ビデオとは異なります。誇大宣伝され、テンポの速い「10 分で見られる日本または東京の見どころ」タイプのビデオの代わりに、私のビデオ シリーズは、本物のアメリカ人観光客の目を通して、写真とビデオの両方の形で「本当の」日本を示しています。私は2017年から日本を広範囲に旅行しており、北海道を除いて日本の主要な地域のほとんどを訪れています(2023年に行く予定です)。

2022 年 9 月の時点でも、日本は公式に部外者に対して「閉鎖」されていました。そのため、旅行ビザを取得するのが困難だったことは、私より前にそこに旅行したガイジンがいかに少ないかを証明しました.2022年に私の前に許可された旅行ビザはわずか8,000人でした. 2022 年 10 月 11 日、私が無事にアメリカに戻った後、ついに日本は国境を開放しました。



2022 Odyssey の完成は私にとってとても満足のいくものでした – それは私の魂の何かを再び完全に目覚めさせました – そして私を偉大な国日本とその素晴らしい人々と永久に結びつけました.

これは Day 12 のビデオです。繰り返しますが、ビデオの最初に、毎日の大きなブラシ アクティビティの旅程を示します。 2022 Odyssey の各日のビデオを、1 つ終わるごとに公開します。しばらくお待ちください。私には本物の仕事と本物の生活があります。これは私にとってただの「楽しい」です!私はこれらのビデオでお金を稼ぎません。




  1. You want to talk about walkable towns, that Miyukisandohon-machi takes the cake! And great job with the opening, matching the music with the intended mood.

    Did the town itself feel both creepy and sad at the same time, given what was going on?

    Anyway, I can't think of much more to say beyond that.

  2. Those Jinjas are very fun to visit! I'll have to mark those down for my Japan Trip in the near future! I Can't Believe Magical Mirai Is Already Here! I Hope Cheering is aloud at this year's event since it wasn't aloud the previous years. Fingers Crossed!🤞

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