Shakotan Blue Kamui cape, Hokkaido

積丹岬の先端にある海岸。 海岸へ行くには、駐車場から手彫りで掘られた30mほどの長さの島武意海岸トンネルを抜けていきます。このトンネルは細くて狭いうえ照明も無く真っ暗です。しかし、そこを抜けると視界が一気に広がります。トンネル出口すぐそばの展望台からは巨大な屏風岩と積丹ブルーの日本海が眼下に広がります。

“Kamui Cape” 神威岬
To the distal end from the parking lot located at the base of the Cape
In (off-limits to strong winds) promenade that has been in development along ridges
About 30 minutes to walk 20 minutes.
Tip has become a state, such as going down to the sea as it is rocky,
There is a reef that is a power of God rock off the coast.
It is also become a treasure trove of valuable animals and plants,
Ezokanzou bloom in the summer,
I also seen white-tailed eagles and sea eagles in winter.

Music by Ikson (https://soundcloud.com/ikson)

#SHAKOTAN_BLUE #積丹半島 #ドローン撮影

1 Comment

  1. クオリティーの高い動画ばかりですね。登録させていただきました

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