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Devon’s preferred perch is directly over his head, on the shoulder of his favorite person. He is keenly interested in everything that is going on and refuses to be excluded from any activity. Expect him to stay as near to you as possible, perhaps expressing his thoughts in hushed tones. He adores people and enjoys the attention of both friends and family.

The Cornish Rex seems sleek and polished at first, but his charming and highly clever cat’s sense of humor and love of attention take over and he walks into center stage, ready to play the piano, perform tricks, or astound spectators with his ability to jump to the highest point in the room.



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We respect the copyright interests of the individual owners in the video and don’t claim to own the original clips.

However, under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statutes that might otherwise be infringing. The recent amendments to the Copyright Act of 1976 pertain to music. “Fair use” remains in force for film and video.


  1. I was gifted an adult Cornish rex male, he was getting on in years, but what a cat ! He was pure white with big bright blue eyes, and fairly quiet. Extremely affectionate, slept curled up in my belly or on my chest if I am on my back. I called him Tommy, he was smart, too. He could open windows, I even saw him attempting to turn the door handle ! Speed, jumping, agility simply off the charts. Loved his cuddles, liked to perch on my shoulder when walking around. He liked to groom me too, if lying down on the carpet, he would jump on and start by licking my nose, then I had to close my eyes and he would lick my eye lids ! lol, did this weird nuzzling chewing type thing with my goatee beard then finish off by licking my forehead. I now have a female Devon Rex, got her as a kitten, she was so tiny ! Her name is Minni. Creme colored with blue eyes. Very talkative, very active, very lovely little girl. If you are on the fence about spending the big bucks to get one of these cats, I say go for it, they will absolutely fill your life with joy, and entertain you

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