How about you try being kind to us for a change instead of telling us we don’t deserve to exist? #Cardiacalertdog #servicedog #workingdog #wlgsd #germanshepherd #dogtraining #ambulatorywheelchairuser #mcas #ehlersdanlossyndrome #pots


  1. Wow what the hell is wrong w people. I prefer to have you in the world and not the individual who posted that. We don’t need anymore sociopaths and the statement they made is a sociopathic statement. Anyone know that person you better run because they lack empathy for humans. And that is something psychopaths do.

  2. I'm no longer letting others dictate my worth, my ability to exist in this world. My life as a disabled person is worthy of life.

  3. I wonder if whoever commented that has never been to the doctor, emergency room, optician, dentists, orthodontist etc or ever needed medical intervention in their life, because one could turn around and say that if they require all of that they shouldn’t be living either. Pure hypocrisy

  4. You are not worth more just cuz you have an SD. This is about the same thing as saying if you have a disability of allergies don't get a job. So there u go you only got served back what you dish out.

  5. I don’t get why people think the rest of society gives a crap about a stranger’s interaction with a different stranger. But, since they do, I’ll play along and give my opinion, too. 🙄

    This whole culture of people demanding that everyone must sympathize with me because——feelings, is obnoxious. Regardless how many times I tell YT not to suggest these videos…well here we are again. The majority of what I see goes along the lines of: “I was in public and someone aggrieved me so I have to go to social media to put that person on blast…” Got it, some people can be a-holes. We all deal with our fair share. Maybe be glad they’re not discriminating and are equally rude to everyone?

  6. You are so strong and im sorry some people see that as an opportunity to throw cheap shots at you. You deserve all good things and I hope you have days where you amaze your doctors and yourself, and you have many more beautiful wonderful days with your partner and dogs

  7. How awful! People just dont get how much words can hurt! You and that beautiful boy deserve the best!

  8. Exactly! People should be understanding and compassionate and know they are lucky to not have to live with disabilities…yet they are disabled in their views of others, right?

  9. There are just too many of these monstera in this world. They are a waste of oxygen and resources. For every message you get like, please remember that there are mpre than 2 people who appreciate who you are

  10. There’s a song called “Words” and the chorus goes as follows: “words can build us up, words can tear us down. Start a fire in our hearts or put it out.” Some people don’t realize that words they’ve saying are tearing you down. I know lots of people with service dogs and you’re the first person I follow with one and you and those I know can do anything the rest of us can.

  11. People have been using animals to cope with things as well as hunt for a loooooong time. To suggest people should stop living if they rely on the companionship of their animals makes no logical sense. We're social creatures and animals have a lot of uses including lessening the burden people have in life. There's nothing wrong with having companions.

  12. I can have VERY high anxiety which can cause me to cry and show aggression to others when not meaning it and yes I do take anxiety pills

  13. I have arthritis in my spine, use a cane, and find it difficult to go grocery shopping. I should be using the scooters that my store has but I don't because I know there are people like this that would dismiss my pain just because I CAN walk and cause a scene.

    I love your videos and your pup! You both work so hard and it shows! Stay safe ❤️❤️

  14. I’m struggling to not push back at people who say things like this. I used to be one, then bad things happened to me. I now work with the most amazing being who ever existed. She is a 5 year old Chesapeake Bay Retriever and my Service Dog. Be careful what you say, you might be here some food be day.

  15. A human's purpose is not to be useful for their society, a human's purpose is to exist, to be exactly as they are. We are not ants, we do not need to build rafts out of the carcasses of our weakest to survive. Everyone deserves a life, especially those who have been struggling and sick their entire lives

  16. That's hate speech. That's literal hate speech. Makes my blood boil the things people think they can say

  17. What a disgusting and vile person. They're not human they're less than and are projecting their self worth onto you and other disabled people.

  18. Don't shame others about there words when you threatened a commenter with the line " you're gonna run into the wrong disabled person and end up on a shirt" for a entire video . We all know that aint happening but yeah weird shaming others when your not to savory yourself. You really infered someone will die because a disabled person wont be able to control themselves and they will murder someone over words and posted it thinking you proved a point. If your everyone is valid bullshit was true youd say " i respectfully disagree" not " your gonna run into the wrong disabled person and end up on a shirt" and for the non hood lingo types being put on a shirt means being killed in a shooting.

  19. People that make comments like that have their own problems & are taking it out on others. Not cool & very reckless.

  20. Cant take it? If you cant take it, then you are probably useless to society, family most likely cant wait til you paint the walls red, etc, etc.

    If mere words on a screen, from a stranger would cause you to off yourself, youre weak as fuck, and the world is probably better off without you

  21. Hmm. Nah they gon get the right one one day and get knocked out. Not all disabilities are visible!!!!! I have heart problems. My children have service animals. My other has a service dog. My boy knows what to do….and will defend me at all cost if he feels necessary especially if he feels a person is causing more to the problem. He will bark to make you back away. Its his job. Then go right back to me to continue his job.

  22. This with a happy doggo playing in the background is so depressing yet uplifting! Thank you for your message and your strength to put it out there. You're a wonderful human being deserving of love and compassion! ❤

  23. Id say this was hate speech…
    But the complete lack of ability to put a simple sentence together, the failure to grasp the importance of punctuation…. It all makes me think that it was written by someone who is so uneducated who has no idea what they are talking about.

    And thus… An opinion that is not worth taking to heart, it's not worth paying attention to in the slightest.

    100% for naming and shaming people that do this in a way that means their family, friends, employers, future employers find out what this person is like 😒

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