The Papillon is a breed of small dog best known for its long, butterfly-like ears, which gave them the name “Papillon” which means butterfly in French.

The Japanese Papillon dog is dominated by brown because almost all of its coat color is brown and there is a slight combination of white. Meanwhile, from France, white is the dominant color, followed by a mixture of black and brown. This dog is 20–28 cm tall and weighs 4-4.5 kg.

They have a cheerful, friendly, and intelligent personality. The Papillon is a dog that is loyal to its owner and easy to play with.

They are energetic and lively dogs, but can also adapt to life in an apartment or small room.

This dog is also known for his acrobatics in jumping over small obstacles.

This dog is the rarest dog in the world. For the European region alone it is quite expensive, especially for the Asian region. Because this limited dog is very rare and is nicknamed Toys Limited Edition.

The Papillon Dog is the perfect companion for the individual or family looking for a friendly little dog

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