1. Its nice when they realize they can all have own toy. Then of course they think some else's is more fun and well…. yeah.
    When we had 4 dogs always an issue with 10 or so toys. Now have 1 dog with 40 or 50. Guessonly child gets spoiled.

  2. Oh please tell me your secret. I can buy 2 of the exact toys, and they will both want the same one.

  3. I dearly want to be able to play fetch with different balls for each dog, simultaneously. You have inspired me to keep trying!

  4. Does this mean that Clea is the smarter dog …LOL. Annie won't bring it back… she wants to play keep away from ME!

  5. I have the same problem with Rocky and Gemma. I can't imagine how this is going to as we have 2 more heeler baby's this summer. Another blue and this time a red as well.

  6. Wow, that is commitment. 4 blue heelers. 1 is a handful already 😅

  7. We got our baby last week! She's 8 weeks old. Apparently out of all our toys we bought for her the absolute fave is a sand bucket out of my daughter's sand box. She goes nuts over it!!

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