RUSSIAN BLUE CAT VS KORAT CAT (Breed Comparison) Which One Should You Choose?

Welcome to Animal Digest (Cat Breed Comparison).
Maybe you are unable to tell the difference between a Russian Blue Cat and a Korat Cat. Well, in this video, we put together a detailed comparison between the two. if you are a prospective cat owner, watch our video to the end as our comparison between the Russian Blue Cat and the Korat Cat will hopefully help narrow down your choices. Or if you just want to learn more about different cat breeds this video is for you too.
Which breed is pretentious and thinks he is the ruler of the home? which cat is best for families or individuals that work outside of the home? Which cat is best with children? In this video, we addressed all these questions and much much more, so watch to the end, and Thank You for watching.

Video Topics
1. History
2. Coat & Eye Colors
3. Physical features that differentiate the two
4. Personality
5. Other Pets
6. Best Home & Suitability (a major difference)
7. Training
8. Activity Level
9. Health
10. Life Expectancy (a major difference)

#russianbluecat #koratcat

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➤Disclaimer: The information on this YouTube channel is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not in any way medical/professional/breeder advice and should not be treated as such. Use the advice/information presented in this video at your own risk. Always look for medical advice from licensed veterinarians. The information provided has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease pertaining to any pet or animal.

➤Disclaimer: While the characteristics mentioned in this video may frequently represent the Russian Blue Cat and the Korat Cat, Cats are individuals whose personalities and appearances will vary.

➤Other cat breeds may be depicted in this video!


  1. My cat Zuri has major Korat characteristics ( big eyes)and always head-butts me. Plus she is empathetic.

  2. Can you give me your whatssup and i well send you photo of my cat and can you tell me if its a russian or korat?

  3. Literally cannot tell the difference. Some photos of korat look like Russian blues in this video and vice versa.

  4. I actually believe that Russian blue cats are originated from Korat cat because King Chulalongkorn of Siam was a good friend to czar Nicholas I of Russia and their royal families had close friendships. Both cats have short hairs which are unlikely belonging to a cold country. Moreover the Russian blues became world-widely known just lately after czar Nicholas I's reign.

  5. I am having beautiful korat and i love her so much .she is very caring mother and intelligent and super active .

  6. Compared to many cat articles I have read your information for the 2 breeds is backwards about the hair color, face shape, etc and so now I am super confused. If everyone's right, they're basically the same. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  7. У нас кот,тоже породы корат,зовут его Коко. Знакомые путают его с русской голубой породой,только когда узнают его ближе,просто влюбляются в эту породу и уже приходят с подарками к нашему коту. Тоже ищут эту породу,чтоб приобрести. Скажу два слова о своем коте,умничка с золотыми глазами,чистоплотный и очень гордый. Спасибо за видео.

  8. My 4 year old korat is not all that active unless it comes to food. She is pretty intelligent, I can tell by her stare. She is definitely the ruler 😄

  9. I love ❤️ my Russian Blue kitty. She’s so noisy but she has a wonderful personality. I call her “my little friend. “

  10. I still don't know what the hell cat we had. She could have been either, or a mixed breed. Her fur did start to go brownish as she got older though, around 14 years. But she was such a loyal pet. I miss her.

  11. I got a Korat queen and Russian blue king. She is the boss and he is a gentleman. Both are so incredibly intelligent. Love them ♥️

  12. The video keep splicing in photos of French Chartreuse Cats, with their Copper colored eyes. Are these Videos mass produced in China or something!?

  13. We got a Russian blue here and Korat . We had our Korat cat for 16yrs died two yrs ago and still missing him everyday. We got Russian blue bcos thats the closest looking like Korat and he is amazing beautiful cat. Korat is a king of our house before he was the boss and always be

  14. I always called ours a Korat but now I am less sure… she does eat too much and doesn’t mind ‘alone’ time…

    She’s definitely in charge at our house 🤣🤣

  15. We had the fortune of having a Korat cat in our neighborhood approach us and want to be our friend and be in our household. He is smitten with our girl Bonnie but her counterpart Clyde well let's say hes a little aggravated. He's a very vocal boy who tells you what he wants. He's a Big Snuggle Bunny that was a stray and now has a home. With a mouth That won't quit! 😼😼😼

  16. My Koran Queen decided that she needs a new home, so I worked over time with her since she owns her own business 😂 She bought a Coop and she is very happy to have me as a butler in the house anything she demands she gets it 🤣

  17. I rescued a Korat, and he's the gentlest and plumpest happy boy. He's also very solid, and is heavy but not fat. He's my little linebacker

  18. I love my Korat… basically a dog that meows. I cannot express the level of intelligence they have, from playing to time management… if you lack in time management skills they will teach you how to. This video does a good job explaining the korats personality but if you are lucky enough to know someone who has one there is so much more to them. To find one in the USA you would probably have better luck finding a meteor that fell in the middle of an Arizona desert 20 years ago than to find one. But if you do consider yourself blessed.

  19. Our korat will take long walks with us and stay with us. Downside is he decides when is time for everyone to wake up anyway from 2 to 6am

  20. My boy is half blue half korat! He looks acts just like a korat! He does hate change! So has a few blue qualities! Hoping he lives for 20 years he'll be 8 this mth!

  21. My boy doesn't avoid strangers he's always curious about strangers! I tell him he's a God cat he loves this! He is the ruler! He talks a lot! He follows me everywhere! He's a bit jealous! He doesn't tolerate dominate animals! His father was a purebred who didn't care about mating with another korat! Training was no problem he loves treats! As a preemie I have to watch his weight! No puzzle toys as he was abused for the first 5 weeks of life so building trust was the main agenda! My boy I don't play much due to my mobility issues! His sister died from a neuro paralysis disease she didn't get this till 7half years! Hope my boy lives as long as a blue!

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