【ペットと泊まれる宿】🐶鹿児島編🌋前編😊ラビスタ霧島ヒルズ❗️大型犬2頭も余裕です👍オールドイングリッシュシープドッグ Old English Sheepdog もふもふ



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  1. あなたのビデオを見てください。 それは素晴らしいシェアです。私の友達が安全で健康であることを願っています! 😄😄🍒🍒🍓🍓

  2. Nice hotel, enjoy your holiday.. le chien( in french) dog. Be careful next time with glass door 🤭😁

  3. Hola buenas tardes genial y exlente la verdad que encantado de pertenecer a tus amigos te dejo mi gran visita y mi súper 👍 👈🌱 un cordial saludo desde LA HUERTITA DE GUILLE ☘

  4. Beautiful dogs and great place. The minute 2:11 is very funny. Thank you very much for sharing. We are new here, very cute content. Many greetings from Monterrey Mexico!! 🇲🇽

  5. 私はあなたにあなたの素敵な友達との幸せな休日を願っています🥰私の友達

  6. Salamat sa pagbabahagi ng mga kawili-wili at kahanga-hangang mga video. Nawa'y dalhin sa iyo ng bagong taon ang kalusugan, kasaganaan, at kaligayahan!

  7. 入り口から全て綺麗ですね😍まさにお犬様のための施設❣️福岡から鹿児島まで、、往復お疲れ様でした💦

  8. こんにちは✨😃❗ミニピン育太郎です。いいですねー😃

  9. A very beautiful place to stay! Thanks for the tour and taking us along! Your dogs look super happy! 🐶💙💙👏👍👍

  10. I'm glad you visited my channel last night or I wouldn't have known about this. Its brilliant ,I love your channel so much. Be subscriber here from North Wales UK

  11. Wow, what a nice dog-friendly resort. Love the outdoor tub. The glass door was too clean they walk into it. 😂 Very nice dog run too. 😍. Enjoy your stay.

  12. Awwww both are soooo cute 😘💖😍 Amazing trip 👍🏻❤🥰 and that's a beautiful pet friendly hotel 😍💜
    Love from Angel and Ana 💕🐾🐩🐕‍🦺

  13. 素敵な場所ですねー。まだ後編もあるんですね😃楽しみです😊

  14. それはとても素敵な共有でした、私の愛する兄弟、あなたの仕事に幸運を祈ります、連絡を取り合いましょう、私たちは私たちの愛でトルコからあなたをとても愛しています、神の祝福、あなたが私たちのビデオをサポートしてくれれば幸いです。

  15. 良いところだ~🐶💓🐶

  16. Watching with pleasure~
    I feel like watching this again~ I can see your talent.

    【ペットと泊まれる宿】🐶鹿児島編🌋前編😊ラビスタ霧島ヒルズ❗️大型犬2頭も余裕です👍オールドイングリッシュシープドッグ Old English Sheepdog もふもふ.


  17. wow running for whole day with your lovely dogs , nice meal at the end ..wonderful day

  18. They both seem to enjoy life. My brother had an Old English Sheepdog and a lovely animal it was. Enjoy them as much as possible and let them enjoy their lives too.

  19. Through 10 minutes of this video and ring the bell, 5 4 for like and touched the sub bu t t on for u. Have a wonderful weekend OHANA ana PATRA !!!

  20. ラビスタヒルズ?イタリア系かなにかかな? お部屋のつくりといい食事内容といい、オシャレー!!👍

  21. L 72 Conteúdo sensacional meu amigo concordo plenamente com você

    continue fazendo vídeos incríveis assim deixo um super like

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