The breed of such cats without tails is called – the Manx cat is similar in type to the British Shorthair, except for the tail.
“Strengthening a kitten’s hind legs will be critical to its development.”
The kitten, named Healthy, takes regular baths and medications to prevent infection


  1. A Manx is a specific breed of cat, which is very rare even in the UK, and more so elsewhere.
    Taillessness can happen from a spontaneous genetic mutation in any population of cats. Simply lacking a tail does not make a cat a Manx. It's just a tailless moggie.
    Healthy is a sweet little cat and I hope he does well. As stated in the video, tailless cats are likely to have spinal problems. Healthy is off to a good starts at least.

  2. I once rescued an adult Manx with neurological problems and occasional urinary incontinence. I think she had been abandoned because of her problems, which once identified could be managed. She was a sweet, loving girl who I think was so happy to be rescued. She had been declawed and would have been very vulnerable on hte stree. She lived happily with me and my other animals for many years. RIP Lizzie.

  3. 🐈 c'è chi per i pelosi perdono la testa per il grande amore che hanno verso di loro 🐈 e chi invece li massacra per il gusto di venderli soffrire 🐈se potessi eleminerei tutti quelli senza cuore grandi e piccoli 🐈
    Buona vita al pelosetto e tanta felicità a chi gli ha sofferto amore

  4. He has captured my heart. He is a gorgeous little cat…..nice bright little gleaming eyes……..

  5. We had a manx kitten. He had a bad problem with constipation. He was adopted by oone of the people working in the vet's office.He is now healthy and happy.

  6. I have a cat like that named Toyoko-chan, but her nub of a tail is a little more noticeable. She's a shadow tortie. When she gets excited or angry, and the hair on her tail stands up, it looks like a tiny rooster tail.

  7. Biedna kicia. Świry z wyspy Mann strasznie skrzywdzily te koty. Jeden mial.problem genetyczny- i jak w przypadku munchkinow- zastosowano chow wsobny. Malo.odporny. Biedna kicia nie moze nawet przekazywać ruchami ogona,co chcialaby powiedziec. Nie kupować tych anomalii- to znikną a koty bedą normalne. Tworzenie " ras" jest dla mnie ohydne.

  8. Healthy is so cute and hi and 🌙 and 😘 you new friend 😁😘 My husband Kyle and our daughter shae and our son Kyle's said hi to you too and 🌙 to you too and 😘 you too and a 😘😘😘 for you new friend 😁

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