
2014年6月「空手道推進議員連盟 設立総会」より
1:00~ 菅義偉氏(当時内閣官房長官)コメント
3:05~ 笹川堯会長(JKF)コメント
5:05~ 奈藏稔久事務総長(WKF)コメント
6:00~ 高村正彦氏(当時自民党副総裁)コメント
6:20~ 宇佐美里香さん(形世界女王)トマリバッサイ演武

On Wednesday, September 16, SUGA, the president of the Liberal Democratic Party, was elected the 99th Prime Minister as a result of the prime minister nomination election held at the plenary session of both houses of the Diet.
Mr. SUGA belonged to the Goju-ryu Karatedo Club when he was a student at Hosei University, and was training his mind and body.
Speaking to the All Japan Karate-do Federation in 2014 for its magazine, Mr. SUGA said, “The things I developed through karate-do have served me well after I entered politics. I am keenly aware that the mental strength to endure difficulties was forged in the karate-do club.”
In addition, he became the President of the Parliamentary Federation for the Promotion of Karate-do, which was established in June 2014.
At that time, karate was aiming to adopt the official event of the Tokyo Olympics, and despite the position of a member of the Diet, it has contributed to the spread of karate competition.


WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.