第176話 自作の軽トラックキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。今日は新しい寝具での車中泊。秋の夜長、満月の夜に旅にでます。



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冬用寝袋 https://amzn.to/3Pf3gWq
車中泊マット https://amzn.to/3F48XzG
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メインカメラ Sony α7c https://amzn.to/3eWwlok
メインレンズ Sony FE 14mm f/1.8 GM https://amzn.to/3F1paFZ

こたつ https://item.rakuten.co.jp/cocoterior/c-azm-kt2way/?scid=wi_ichi_iphoneapp_item_share
こたつ布団 https://item.rakuten.co.jp/cocoterior/c-azm-kotatsu-161/?scid=wi_ichi_iphoneapp_item_share
ラグ https://item.rakuten.co.jp/rugoo/latte-130/?scid=wi_ichi_iphoneapp_item_share


music by https://artlist.io/

個人情報や地域を特定するようなコメントはお控えください。 Car Camping


  1. I wish i could enjoy watching your videos and eat alone as i watch them, but i have dysphagia and cant eat alone because i have a high chance of choking

  2. 気合が入った夕飯と今回のようなインスタントな朝食のギャップがたまらないです。お湯沸かすだけなのに良い雰囲気。何を作るかも大事だけど、出来上がるまで待つ時間も素敵なのですね。

  3. Bonjour tabie j’espère tu vas bien et j’ai trouvé que tu as un beaucoup de changement mais continue comme ça tu vas trouver le meilleur

  4. Tabi-Ie I have watched so many of these videos whilst going through some difficult times personally and in the UK in general where I live. Just wanted to thank you for this tranquil and re-assuring content. All my best wishes to you and your family and my own personal thanks for for your help in me personally getting through the things I'm dealing with.

  5. 今回もほっこりと鑑賞させて頂きました😊

  6. I just now noticed what a cool light you have installed in the main headlights. Is this Bi-Led?

  7. I too live by myself in a small camper, by choice. The solitary life does not bother me. I’m at peace all the time. If one can not be happy with their own company, they can not be happy in life.

  8. Thank you for your video! Watching them always help lift my spirit, Its like im hanging out with a good friend. Congratulations on 1 million subscribers you deserve it!

  9. Bellísima noche, relajantes sonidos nocturnos. Gracias por compartirlos. Saludos desde mi país Chile 🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱

  10. I always enjoy your videos and good creative ideas. Both your campers are very nice and we like to see your camping adventures.

  11. 本当にお食事の時に最初の一口目のなんと幸せそうな感じがいつもこちらまで笑顔になります。

  12. 登録者数100万人突破、おめでとう御座います🍾

  13. Autumn is one of my favorite seasons. It is unfortunate to know the trouble with your bed and tap for your sink. I hope you find a great solution for both of them.


  14. 料理するときの油の飛び散りが気になります💦白いシャツが…。

  15. ベットキットは重量の関係でしょうがないとして、せっかく作ったベッドマットは床に轢いて使えそうだけど!