I went to the Jingu Gaien Fireworks Festival for the first time in 3 years, but I was so disappointed. It seems that you can only see the fireworks display if you buy a paid ticket, get a high floor in a nearby building, or get a high floor in a nearby city 🎆It’s very beautiful and nice fireworks display, so I will buy a ticket to see it next year!
Sorry for trying to watch it for free and unplanned.
It’s not a good idea to gather on nearby streets.because it’s not good for the neighbors too 🙇

2022.8.20 Sun 6:30PM 25℃
4K60fps virtual walking tour
▽Please Subscribe to my channe🙏/よろしければ登録お願いします💕

▽MY MAPS【Map of where I walked】

0:00 外苑前駅/Gaienmae Station
0:06 Fireworks display at Jingu Gaien on August 20, 2022
0:17 12,000 fireworks will light up the sky of Tokyo in this urban fireworks display.
0:28 The launch site can only be entered with the purchase of a paid ticket.
0:38 Fireworks are shot off in the city, so the height of the fireworks is low for safety.
0:50 Only about 70,000 people are allowed in the venue.
1:01 Those who could not buy tickets gather around the venue to watch
1:13 The number is said to be as high as 200,000 and as low as one million.
1:25 I am one of them and I don’t have a ticket.
1:36 Did we really get to see the fireworks afterwards?
1:48 I arrived at the nearby station an hour before the fireworks started.
3:00 外苑前/Gaienmae
3:42 The area is already crowded with people.
4:47 You can only go to the right with a ticket.
5:05 A large number of police have been deployed to guard the area.
7:09 You cannot stand on the pedestrian bridge and watch the fireworks!
7:32 I came near the venue, a five-minute walk from the station.
8:13 45 minutes to go until launch. More and more people are coming.
9:01 The launch site will be across this road. It’s so close!
9:58 Soon after, the launch began. A light rain started to fall, so we took shelter from the rain.
11:23 Launch start time! Where are the fireworks?
11:31 For some reason, everyone started moving in a hurry.
11:39 Fireworks are going off, but I can’t see them at all…
11:51 Only the sound is audible. This is the sad sound of Jingu fireworks.
12:05 What you can see from here are not fireworks but crowds
12:56 And the media is filming people, not fireworks.
13:40 People are getting more and more crowded around here.
13:55 人混み地獄/Crowded Hell
18:45 Anyway, we evacuate to avoid the crowds.
18:59 Move to a less crowded area and find a place where you can see fireworks.
19:42 I walked to the next station.
20:05 I wish I could go over there and tell you that you won’t see …
20:45 I’ll try to see if I can see it from another direction.
25:18 It appears that only ticket holders can go beyond this point.
25:27 Ticket prices (with concert) are expensive, ranging from 4,000 yen to 9,000 yen.
25:35 In the city, We have to pay to watch fireworks.
28:48 I thought I would be able to see it from nearby, but I was wrong.
28:55 Fireworks are low and completely obscured by buildings and trees.
29:02 If you want to enjoy fireworks, buy a ticket properly!
Meiji Jingu Baseball Stadium
3-1 Kasumigaoka-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

鎌田優紀子「New Me」

▽関連動画/Related Videos

・【神宮外苑花火大会】3年ぶり開催 約1万2000発が東京の夜空彩る 「めちゃくちゃ感動」

#Japan #Tokyo #神宮外苑花火大会 #花火大会


  1. 有料チケット購入して見る花火なんですか?確かに高い所の方がよく見えますが、都会はなんでもありですね。雨の中お疲れ様でした。😄🙏🙏

  2. wow. such a crowd. its oppressing ! thank you for the detailed explanations what was the cost of the ticket? 💵 many very beautifully dressed girls ! ❤

  3. 0:00 外苑前駅/Gaienmae Station
    0:06 Fireworks display at Jingu Gaien on August 20, 2022
    0:17 12,000 fireworks will light up the sky of Tokyo in this urban fireworks display.
    0:28 The launch site can only be entered with the purchase of a paid ticket.
    0:38 Fireworks are shot off in the city, so the height of the fireworks is low for safety.
    0:50 Only about 70,000 people are allowed in the venue.
    1:01 Those who could not buy tickets gather around the venue to watch
    1:13 The number is said to be as high as 200,000 and as low as one million.
    1:25 I am one of them and I don't have a ticket.
    1:36 Did we really get to see the fireworks afterwards?
    1:48 I arrived at the nearby station an hour before the fireworks started.
    3:00 外苑前/Gaienmae
    3:42 The area is already crowded with people.
    4:47 You can only go to the right with a ticket.
    5:05 A large number of police have been deployed to guard the area.
    7:09 You cannot stand on the pedestrian bridge and watch the fireworks!
    7:32 I came near the venue, a five-minute walk from the station.
    8:13 45 minutes to go until launch. More and more people are coming.
    9:01 The launch site will be across this road. It's so close!
    9:58 Soon after, the launch began. A light rain started to fall, so we took shelter from the rain.
    11:23 Launch start time! Where are the fireworks?
    11:31 For some reason, everyone started moving in a hurry.
    11:39 Fireworks are going off, but I can't see them at all…
    11:51 Only the sound is audible. This is the sad sound of Jingu fireworks.
    12:05 What you can see from here are not fireworks but crowds
    12:56 And the media is filming people, not fireworks.
    13:40 People are getting more and more crowded around here.
    13:55 人混み地獄/Crowded Hell
    18:45 Anyway, we evacuate to avoid the crowds.
    18:59 Move to a less crowded area and find a place where you can see fireworks.
    19:42 I walked to the next station.
    20:05 I wish I could go over there and tell you that you won't see …
    20:45 I'll try to see if I can see it from another direction.
    25:18 It appears that only ticket holders can go beyond this point.
    25:27 Ticket prices (with concert) are expensive, ranging from 4,000 yen to 9,000 yen.
    25:35 In the city, We have to pay to watch fireworks.
    28:48 I thought I would be able to see it from nearby, but I was wrong.
    28:55 Fireworks are low and completely obscured by buildings and trees.
    29:02 If you want to enjoy fireworks, buy a ticket properly!
    Meiji Jingu Baseball Stadium
    3-1 Kasumigaoka-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo

  4. こんばんは

  5. You have to pay for watching fireworks🎇🎇!? I always think for free everywhere watching fireworks🎇🎇🎇 🤩😁 many people but the views is just stunning🤩 I enjoyed it
    Thank you for sharing 🤗🙏🏽

  6. Come and listen again, my friend, hopefully the channel is growing and successful, amen🤲🤲

  7. イチョウ並木のところから見えるんですね✨それにしてもすごい人です!私はラグビー場で見ましたが行き帰りだけでも疲れました💦笑

  8. 花火大会凄いですね。とにかく人が多すぎ身動き取れなく大変ですね。帰りが一斉になり怖いです。雨の中でも沢山の見学、撮影お疲れさまでした。

  9. Hi my new friend. I have joined your lovely channel. Thanks for wonderful comments and support on my YouTube channel. Much appreciated from bottom of my heart 😀 ❤️. Stay blessed and connected

  10. 花火の音が豪快で、12,000発は見ごたえあったでしょうね。雨の日の撮影お疲れさまでした。そして、ありがとうございました。😊

  11. Hi and thanks Tokyo lonely for sharing.
    OMG, thickets purchase required to watch closer…How much was the ticket?
    PPL…PPL…PPL…Rain…rain..and rain..oh…no..
    I feel very sorry for those PPL who don't have tickets and are trying to get good shots of the fireworks…21:49
    It is about the feeling of excitement, I would say. Well done.🙋‍♀🙋‍♀🛶🛶

  12. 東京の人々は、花火を見に行くことは苦行であることが良くわかりました。 はぁ?入場料! 出してまで見に行く人がいるのですか?

  13. 東京の花火大会とか人は多そうだしなんか大変そうです💦

  14. Absolutely outstanding sharing! Big Lik 👍 definitely enjoyed it, Nice and lovely video with beautiful views. Excellent work 👌 Thank you for sharing beautiful content with us🌹Keep it up. thumbs up👍🌹😊🇨🇦🇨🇦

  15. 雨でも、花火大会は決行なんですね。 しかし人出の多さには、驚きました~ 撮影、お疲れ様でした! L28

  16. 命の危険を感じる人の流れですね、 

  17. わわわ…これは大変でしたね💦💦撮影お疲れ様でした。花火の音と人々の様子を楽しませてもらいました🥰あ、ちょっと見えた~うれしい❣

  18. 雨も降っていて地域の交通も混乱して花火を楽しむ感じではないですね

  19. こんにちは🧸

  20. 大阪だと淀川花火大会というのが有名なんですが、

  21. 最近の花火はお金を払ってみるものが増えましたね
    ミュージック花火などが それにあたりますね!

    それにしても 雨の中実行して頂いたのは
    みなさん 良い思い出になったのではないでしょうか?

    Lonely Wakerさん 撮影お疲れ様でした!😊😊

  22. 早く以前のように戻ったらなぁ~と思いますが無理ですよね😅😅😅😅😅😅

  23. It’s too bad your couldn’t see the show because you didn’t have a ticket. It was quite the rainy evening but I really enjoyed your walk and watching all the people. At least you could see a tiny bit of the fireworks. Thanks for the nice video. 👍😊🇨🇦