18 October 2015, Warsaw Philharmonic Concert Hall
Final Stage

Aimi Kobayashi – piano
Jacek Kaspszyk – conductor
Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra

All rights reserved 2015
The Fryderyk Chopin Institute, Polish Television TVP

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  1. Here's the drama again!!! It seems all pianist taught in the far east are taught drama to say nothing of music without their feeling and interpretation. Bland aside from the drama.

  2. Aimi Kobayashi is so far beyond anyone I have ever heard. Every note is emotional and perfect. The way her fingers move is beyond reproach. The only one equal is Arthur Rubenstein. I listened to the other pianists and was bored. I listen to the same piece played by Aimi and Wow. Amazing. Notes seem to fly off her fingers. You can see the emotion in her face and she puts it into the piano and the piano responds to Aimi.

  3. What a beautiful piano Concerto by Chopin and how a wonderful piano player.Aimi Cobayashi.

  4. I prefer this one than 2021 version. She became too controlled and restrained nowadays, even wooden at times.

    She needs to find middle ground.

  5. I keep coming back to Aimi's performance… what an absolute musicality. I can feel such subtle femininity and so many emotions when she plays. Her interpretation of Chopin is wonderful. She showed the bright side of this piece. Thank you, Aimi. Wish you the best!

  6. She won the fourth prize two days ago for her second attempt this Chopin competition. Congratulations

  7. 優勝したピアニストもまずまずうまいけど、彼女も負けず劣らず上手い。

  8. way better interpretation than bruce liu. wth Liu is 1st prize? i don't understand. P.S. I know this one was on 2015.

  9. Her sound is the most delicate one👏🏻 she made the same piano a different one!

  10. 今年のを聴いたうえで、

  11. 6年前にもこんな音色が出せる!なんて、今回はもっと進化してました。

  12. In 2021, this year's concerto will currently be performed 2.08 million times, which will soon match this 2.18 million times. With a rare number of views of 100,000 times a day, the blues of 2.35 million times is fixed, so I will soon pull it out. Aimi's popularity is amazing.

  13. Браво!!!Чистый Божественный родник. Голове неукладываеться,как это всё запомнить. Без Божей помощю ну некак.Супер,спасибо!!!

  14. Потрясающе!!! Не просто блестящая техника исполнительства, но и проникновенное, чувственное, ""шопеновское " восприятие .. Гениально! Дай Господи ей здоровья и сил на этом нелёгком пути.. Благодарю!

  15. あまり私はショパンの人生も愛美さんについても知らなかったけれど音に声があるような気がして、情景がハッキリとどのような感じなのかが現れていくきがしました。

  16. ショパンコンクール4位の演奏からこちらに聴きに来ました。この時からの進歩凄いです。まるでピアノという人が歌っているような演奏。とても繊細で美しい歌声。

  17. 6年前にもチャレンジされてたのですね、この演奏もほんとに歌ってる!って感じで素晴らしいけれど、この6年間の進歩がまた素晴らしいと思います、再チャレンジすることはリスクしかない、とお話しされていましたが、それでもチャレンジし結果に繋げる、ほんと素晴らしい!長く活躍して頂きたいですね

  18. テンポがすこしゆっくりめですね、そうおもいのわ、わたしだけですか?

  19. この演奏と一昨年の演奏では、この演奏の方が雄弁に語るものの、若干押し付けがましい印象を受けます。一昨年の演奏は、多少音の迫力がスポイルされても、更に深い譜読みによって一音一音への深みが格段に増した印象でした。前回があるから一昨年の成果がある。そんな気がしました

  20. Amy has a musical sensitivity and just reached for a few musicians. I am a mature pianist with, unfortunately, absolute pitch. What I see is that she has a serious technical problem coming from her early training. A finger technique of such a high attack and other technical problems. I hope to be wrong, I have not seen her personally. I am just judging from the video. But, I always see her because I love her interpretations, are superb, I feel pity because she is undoubtedly prodigious. Unfortunately, the piano also has a technical fundamental part…..Finally, the piano was out of tune in the acute keys…this is a serious failure of responsibility for a competition of such importance. It disturbs such a unique interpretation of Amy…

  21. Игра её великолепна , но платье очень неудачное , полнейшая безвкусица, к тому же оно очень плохо сшито, морщит … Манера азиаток открывать свои телеса их не красит , потому что показывать там нечего .