The COMPLETE DISASTER That Is Godfather Part 3

THE GODFATHER Part 3 (1990) CODA Breakdown | Ending Explained, Hidden Details, Analysis, And Making Of. Use code SPOILERS50 to get 50% OFF your first Factor box plus 20% off your next month at!

THE GODFATHER Part 3 (1990) CODA Breakdown | Ending Explained, Hidden Details, Analysis, And Making Of. We explain, analyze and do a deep dive on The Godfather Part 3 Coda to talk about the hidden themes, details, easter eggs and making of trivia that make this one of the most controversial movies of all time. This is a massive video essay covering the characters, deeper meaning, version differences, ending and more.

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Welcome to the Heavy Spoilers show, I’m your host Paul and this video we’re breaking down the Godfather Part 3.

just when I was out they pull me back in

Urrrr it’s one of those isn’t it. Like whenever you talk about the movie I think that you’re obviously gonna get a lot of mixed feelings. Out of the entire trilogy this was the one I was most curious to come back to because it really hasn’t got a good reputation. Even though it was nominated for best picture everyone agrees that this was the worst.

Whether its Sofia Coppolas performance, pay disputes behind the scenes or just the general…almost tv feel to it, everything was lambasted at the time. Now whenever Ive gone back to it I’ve always thought…eh…not so bad. Unfortunately though this is a sequel to two of the greatest films ever made so no matter what things were always gonna come up short. Coppola stated that he wanted to make an epilogue which would tell the aftermath of Michaels story. Those first two films handled it perfectly and thus many felt this was an unnecessary sequel.

However since its release I do think that the movies gained a fanbase. Coppola also recently re-edited the film and that’s a major aspect of things I wanna talk about.

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  1. The only people who hate Part 3 are the people who don't understand Shakespeare's King Lear, which Coppola used to build upon from the original novel for Parts 2 & 3. Part 3 has a strong life in film schools as a modern update of King Lear's themes of moral blindness and human nature in the succession of power. That's probably a big reason why Part 3 has grown in popularity over the years as it becomes easier for students to study all of Shakespeare's plays online. Every film class that I took in college unanimously loved Part 3 because every student in that class was familiar with King Lear. Coppola noticed the King Lear elements in the original novel with the story of succession and a King trying to determine which child is the most qualified to take over. Puzo encouraged Coppola create new material from the King Lear model. Coppola famously went on the record in the December 23, 1990 edition of the New York Times to declare that Part 3 was based heavily upon King Lear because of the Shakespearean nature of Mario Puzo's novel and that Sofia was his natural choice to play Mary Corleone because he based that character upon her real life personality and concern for her father's public image in the spotlight.

  2. This film is inexcusable
    How could Coppola follow up 2 masterpieces with this Dud
    Even with all the added bells and whistles
    It still comes up short

  3. The incest is a reference to the Oedipal complex of King Lear. Lear's daughters married men who were like their father. Coppola's grandparents were first cousins, yet they produced healthy, hyper talented children and grandchildren who thrive today, while the Corleones failed miserably. That's why Coppola chose Sofia to represent both the Corleones and Coppolas, as a comparison of the two families. Sofia's real life success proves that her selection for that role was brilliantly correct. Part 3 was Coppolas best writing of all three films because it was ahead of its time. Coppola never wanted to be associated with the racist stereotypes of the mafia. He made that very clear in Part 3 by casting Sofia. Sofia dies in the film by the sins of the Corleones, but she continues to thrive in real life by the virtues of the Coppolas. Many people are only now starting to realize how smart Coppola's decisions in Part 3 are today.

  4. Look I like your channel. I can get behind most of your points, but you've crossed a line now…

    You didn't title this video "Ending Breakdown". What a travesty.

  5. Yeah, it wasn’t as good. But I always cry when Michael confesses his sins. It gives closure. But that’s a lot of run time for mere closure. It could have been much better. Still a decent flick.

  6. I think you mispronounced 2 of the movies you are about to breakdown. I believe it's pronounced "dances with wolves" and "jurassic park" not matrix and wicker man

  7. Gotti took down the real life Godfather…..huh? Naw that didn’t happen. Here’s some assistance:

    Zaza is an amalgamation of 3 Mafia members for these reasons-

    Columbo- For his Italian American League affiliation. Recall the scene about the inventor of the phone
    Crazy Joe Gallo- Because he worked with non-Italians. Zaza is charged up about recruiting Non Italians into his family
    Gotti- Because of his flashiness and media grabbing personality

    Ultimately he is showcasing a mafia leader who disregards the fact he is in a secret organization and consistently self promotes himself. Love your show but felt like nitpicking. Carry on

  8. I HATED the part of Michael and Sonny’s kids sleeping together….that ruined it for me and made no sense.

  9. Great job. As per your usual. It really isn't a veey bad movie, but a horrible epilogue to 2 great films.

  10. Sorry to say you're mispronouncing Mantegna. The gn sounds like a yn. So it sounds like "Mon-ten-ya."

    If it's any consolation, I once mispronounced Baja without changing the "j" to sound like a "h," which amused my American coworkers to no end. In Canada, we learn French; not Spanish. Oh well.

  11. It's terrible by comparison. It is all nostalgia, no substance. This story should have ended at part two with Micheal alone, staring into the distance.

  12. I actually rewatched all three movies last week. And part I is NOT perfect by any stretch of the imagination. It has severe pacing issues pretty much from when Michael leaves the country up to his return. It also jumps ahead in time without any real sense of said time having elapsed.

    Part II is better paced for sure but has its own problems, mainly the back and forth between Vito's backstory and Michael's ongoing story. The thing is that Michael's story in part II is just not that interesting. Had it not been for the all the flashbacks with De Niro as young Vito part II would just be dull.

    Part III isn't perfect either. However, it is very well paced and the story is actually engaging from start to finish. In my book, part III is on par with parts I and II. And I would rank all of them a solid 4/5.

  13. I keep wishing in your intros that you'll say "My name is Paul, and that's between y'all" and you fail me every time, my good sir. 🙁

  14. I love the slow, yet extreme shift the "theory time" announcement has made over the last few years

  15. Not including Tom Hagen was a huge mistake. Secondly, the movie feels like it takes place in 1990, not 1979. Third, too many callbacks to the original films. It seems a bit forced. It’s still a fine film, but nothing will ever touch the first two.
    Oh, and the opening shot of the WTC in the theatrical cut had a goof. It shows the world financial center which would not have been completed until 1987.

  16. Thanks for this video. I've seen the first two but never wanted to watch this one because I heard it was so bad. Now I know how it all ends there's even less reason to watch it! 😂

  17. Godfather III is not that bad. If the biggest problem in your film can be fixed by recasting a tertiary character with Winona Ryder, you're aight.

  18. Subsequently removing the twin towers from so much media is such a disgusting, pathetic move amongst a near-infinite supply of similar decisions over the past two decades….no excuse whatsoever. As if we are being protected from reality and history by some absurd censors who think they always know best for the childish public. Disgraceful.

  19. I feel that the mispronunciation of European names by the descendants of Europeans in America is quite common – see the way they say Lewandowski as Lou-an-dow-ski instead of lev-van-dov-ski

  20. @rackinfrackin2883  Are you mentally ill or something? Did I call the first Godfather crap? No. I wrote that it's not perfect, and WHY it's not perfect in my opinion, but that I would still rank it a solid 4/5. Grow the F up.

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