**Calling for Japanese lyricist and vocalist**
メールアドレス: tomihayashimusic@gmail.com

All the people you encountered are the wonder of your life. People came to appear in your life. Some stayed and some left. “Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead”.

0:00-0:41 私が出会う人々
0:41-2:25 運命の翻弄
2:26-3:00 Love Out Loud! (大声で愛して!)
3:00-4:05 君に会えてよかった

#初恋の悪魔 #最終 #仲野太賀 #林遣都 #松岡茉優 #柄本佑
#鹿浜鈴の介 #馬淵悠日 #摘木星砂 #小鳥琉夏
#サントラ #募集 #composition #music

Disclaimer: This series was written to document my thoughts & inspiration from the Japanese drama 初恋の悪魔. It is not and does not mean to be a soundtrack to the drama.

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