Rent-a-Girlfriend Season 3
Rent-a-Girlfriend Season 3 Episode 3
Rent-a-Girlfriend New Season 3
Rent-a-Girlfriend Season 3 Summer
彼女、お借りします Episode 3
彼女、お借りします Season 3 Episode 3
Kanokari Episode 3
Kanokari Season 3
Kanokari Season 3 Episode 3
Kanokari New Season 3 Episode 3


  1. Yet a hundred chapters later, they still aren't together. I am not kidding. It's been literally past a hundred chapters since this scene in the manga, but the two nincompoops still aren't together. Unbelievable.

  2. "He's not stupid enough to get serious about a rental girlfriend". Chizuru you have met this idiot right?

  3. I don't understand how people can watch this.. There are lots of good manga that can make anime. Even NTR story logic is better than this anime 😂

  4. Chizuru: “He’s not stupid enough to get serious about a Rental Girlfriend”

    He is making a movie for you, you don’t see that as being serious?

  5. I just wish the real kazuya (aka kazuya Mishima from Tekken) would go into this horrible anime and beat the bloody pulp out of that phony fake imposter!

  6. Yaemori is the ONLY character in this garbage series that gets the plot moving. If not then either Kazuya sulks like a bitch or Chizuru just ghosts him for 3 MONTHS.

  7. Plot twist. Guy married someone else.
    Chizuru finds another dude and settles down. And we have a cliff hanging ending when all is said and done.
    Totally see this happening as an actual ending, the ending we didn't want but deserved…

  8. I dont want to, but this anime and manga always gets on my nerve , in recent manga (which will be ending of s4 in anime ) , i thought they finally going to get ending and last 2 months of continuity and waiting for chapter bcz it was like huge development in story , and NOW THESE FU CKERS SAYING K DONT KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT HIM /HER……… 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 what the actual fuck this is shit

  9. Chizuru and all the others can, deserve, and should do better than that guy.

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