Original:Eve 様

■Music&Lyrics:Eve ( https://twitter.com/oO0Eve0Oo ) 様
■Illust:あんりふれ ( https://twitter.com/unrefle ) 様
■MIX:さんかくずわり ( https://twitter.com/Sankaku_Mix ) 様
■Movie:Gene ( https://twitter.com/gene_xx_ ) 様

■Vocal:奏手イヅル ( @KanadeIzuru )




  1. ANOTHERR COVER BY IZURU AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! this is a banger for sure omfg thank you for the cover izuru!! Ill make sure to listen to it everyday HAHAHAH 🤩

  2. A banger cover song from Izuchama!! Illust, movie, mixing and ofc vocal, everything on this cover is so sick!! Thank you for cover Eve's song Izuru! 💙

  3. ANOTHER AMAZING COVER 🎉 as expected from izuru!! everything about this MV is so cool from the vocals, mix, illustrations, to editing!!

    thank you for always working so hard!! 💙

  4. I know izuru's voice is perfect for a song like this. And I love his voice in the chorus. It's so cool and beautiful at the same time 😭 izuru really knows how to bring out his vocal potential. Brilliant! I also love the illustration, he's so cool 😭

  5. 待ってた!!絶対合うと思ってたけど、想像を超えてきた。

  6. there's an intense vibe of a game insert ost at a battle climax which comes from this cover as opposed to the main theme feeling of the og ver, I absolutely love it

  7. OH GOD THIS FITS YOUR VOICE SO MUCH 😭 it's so good and amazing to hear 💖💖💖

  8. めちゃ低音の響きがすごくいい〜!かっこいい!
    2:37 特にラスサビ前の入り方と終わりの息の抜き方がたまりません!

  9. イヅルくんの挑むような歌声が本当に格好良い

  10. ずっと貴方の歌声が好きです。これからも歌い続けてくれるなら、とても嬉しいです。

  11. 初コメです。とても素敵な歌声で、初めてお聞きした時声質がとても耳に残り心にきました。叫ぶように歌っているとき最高に好きです!

  12. Love it when Izuru sings anything from Eve. This cover was such a treat! Wonderfully done as well~
    Thank you!

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