Oh God help me


The unstoppable tyrant of Krisis is here!


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・GENERAL: #VantacrowBringer
・LIVE: #VantaHours
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★ Vezalius Bandage


☆ VantacrowBringer


★ Yu Q. Wilson



【Official にじさんじ NIJISANJI Sites】
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・Thumbnail Art: https://x.com/jeonburgerr
・emotes: https://twitter.com/Ellem__ & https://twitter.com/_caeliris
・Intro BGM – Blasting Zone
・BGM – Stay on your mind (https://www.youtube.com/@khaim)
・Starting Soon Screen Animation – https://twitter.com/Alchiet
・Overlay & Logo: https://twitter.com/p_a_r_a_l_l_e_l


  1. Otsuthx for the stream!! The game's plot is very interesting! Looking forward to tomorrow's debut! DV brother let’s go

  2. Thanks for playing Beyond two souls , it's my favorite videogames of that kind of plot and it's always underestimated 👀✨✨ I will enjoy watch your gameplay and all you reactions 🙇🙇💜💜

  3. Crew-stamps
    16:57 It's William Dafoe!

    20:02 "I'm taking my barbie doll with me"

    21:36 "Is this the goofy movie?!"

    26:39 "Can I make her fall over"

    27:19 Vanta starts f-ing around

    29:08 Vanta causing Chaos (ft evil laughter)


    30:33 Attepmts to choke out a women

    38:03 Possesing people!?

    39:43 "I'm thrusting!"

    48:02 Vanta makes jodie chug the beer

    50:29 "That guy in the back is jorking it"

    52:30 Aiden scene with kids start

    56:30 Vanta enacts justice on those kids


    1:05:49 "Anything for you Mr Dafoe"

    1:22:24 Attacking people on the train

    1:23:44 "If i had powers like that, I'd just be levitating water bottles"

    1:31:21 Vanta hurting doggies 🙁

    1:35:03 Vanta on a motorcycle

    1:38:16 Vanta takes control of the police

    1:43:16 "Not going to lie tho, this disjointed story telling is very… disjointed"

    1:47:46 "That's a loaded husband, can I find somebody like that?"

    1:53:36 Vanta sees a head in the basement

    1:58:54 Vanta struggling with motion controls

    1:59:21 Vanta fake ends stream

    2:03:40 Vanta hates everyone except Jodie

    2:08:43 Vanta actually so mad at the dad

    2:16:36 "These b*tches are afraid of me" Dead body rised up

    2:31:11 Sees Frozen People "Guess you guys took too much of a chill pill!"

    2:43:56 "Even if he did send her to almost die, he's still a better father than the bald fuck"

    2:46:56 Vanta likes the story so far even if he's confused about how the storyline is being presented


    2:52:13 Jodie wakes up and Vanta is losing it

    2:56:02 "I found a third person to like in this game!"

    3:01:18 Game stops Vanta for no reason

    3:07:23 "That guy is like reverse prostituting"

    3:09:34 "I'm Obama up in this bitch, 'Yes we can!"

    3:25:46 "THIS IS SO RAW"

    3:45:46 Stopping the game now

    3:46:12 Debut program reminder. Hosting with D-Bro

  4. Omg the way he does the QTE is stressing me out so much 😢and after watching the entire he made some pretty chaotic choices 😂

  5. 02:45:19 regarding why the story is told in this way: it's david cage's style. in cinema / editing, cage often uses "cross cutting" and "parallel editing." meaning to say, he interweaves different perspectives (like in DBH) to show different sides of a similar story – this is common in christopher nolan films (think of Inception for example). for example, in DBH the multiple perspectives of kara finding out about alice, along with marcus deciding what to do, along with connor trying to apprehend marcus all happening at the same time. the point of this style of editing is to make sure the viewer is engaged. Like switching from Plot A to Plot B – like a "hey, remember this old toy you played with, here it is again because you got tired of your new toy." When done right, the point of the editting is to make the climax even more climax because multiple stories are having a climax at the same time.
    in this game, cage is going about a parallel editing, which differs from cross cutting in that it's used to juxtapose perspectives over long periods of time ie young jodie vs teen jodie vs adult jodie (in comparison to DBH's more or less all happening at the same time).
    that being the case, cage is definitely taking an interesting take on this style of editting. because in each "time period" he's jumping from beginning to end – or as vanta says "it's disjointed a lot". for example in the young jodie, it's not chronological – he begins with young jodie meeting willem defoe, and then later on when the young jodie perspective is met again it's when she's experiencing her powers for the first time – but logically the latter should've happened before the former.
    who knows if the payoff will actually have cage's intended effect

    for the record, i'm just explaining the method that cage tells his stories, i have no thoughts on the actual contents of such story

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