Check out Part 2 here!

To celebrate the launch of GRANDIA HD Collection for PlayStation and Xbox, the developers of the game have gathered for a special interview.

・Kei Shigema | GRANDIA & GRANDIA II Scenario Writer
・Isao Mizoguchi | GRANDIA & GRANDIA II Sound Producer
・Hiroaki Okabe | GRANDIA Scenario Coordinator & Supervisor, GRANDIA II Scenario Director

GRANDIA HD Collection Now Available!

Official Website


  1. This HD Collection doesn't do the games justice at all. As a fan who has been looking for news about the series on a daily basis since the early 2000s, this HD Collection was a simple availability, nothing more. Where are the promised Sega Saturn elements? Even the PS version has been partially degraded, the graphics haven't really been improved, just unattractively smoothed out. I was happy about GungHo taking on Grandia, but today I think to myself that I wish Square Enix got the rights; after all, Grandia would then be milked more elegantly, which still wouldn't do the series justice. For years the Grandia HD Collection, nothing new, no announcement, no explanation, we just wait for the next HD Collection port with no updates. I play the original PlayStation version on PS5 because I'm so disappointed with the way the series has been handled.

  2. This is so cool. I've played the games since my childhood, and it's awesome to finally have some insight on the development of the games.

  3. Triste essa coleção não vir com legendas em português 🇧🇷 eu estava muito interessado em adquirir mas vou acabar esperando os fã aqui do Brazil traduzir o game 😢

  4. Heck yes GungHo! We been waiting so long for Grandia to get all this recognition! You rock!

    Btw if anyone's interested in hearing from the english voice actors? Feel free to check my channel here 🙂 I've interviewed quite a few of them, more to come!

    GungHo, keep it up guys! <3

  5. グランディアはもちろん、ルナとゆみみも大好きな自分にとっては夢の様な対談です。HDリマスターを実現してくれた北米の皆さんには本当に感謝しています。

  6. This was amazingly cool to enjoy as I just arrived at Cyrum Kingdom in Grand II this morning…would love to be able to play Xtreme and III on modern consoles!!

  7. グランディアは本当に大好きな作品なので再び遊べることがとても嬉しかったです。本当に本当にありがとうございます。まさか対談までしていただけるとは。感謝しかありません。で、ミュージアムは難しいですかね(笑)あと、LUNAもぜひお願いしたいです。LUNAももう一度やりたい。

  8. Would love to see more grandia and maybe new games from you guys!! This series shouldn't be put to the side!! Not many great developers left!

  9. Switchのみならず、他のハードでもプレイできるんですね!グランディアはプレイして初めて感動し、涙を流した思い出深いゲームです。あわよくば、儚い願望では御座いますが、グランディア1のリメイク、若しくはグランディアの新作をお待ちしております(*´艸`*)

  10. I'm a native Portuguese speaker and yes, I could understand most of the songs, although I couldn't understand everything due to the singer's very heavy accent, once I read the lyrics it all came together.

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