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Music by Zeravi:


  1. Buy games at Instant-Gaming for all platforms with discounts!
    Win a game a month with my Instant-Gaming contest. To participate, all you have to do is choose any game in Stock from their website:

    Compra juegos con grandes descuentos en Instant-Gaming:
    Gana un juego al mes con mi concurso de Instant-Gaming. Para participar, sólo debes elegir cualquier juego en Stock de su página web:

    Music by Zeravi:

  2. Both games look great and entertaining, but the sequel seems like a medium-scale upgrade.

  3. Mira que me está gustando Starfield, pero es que uno no puede evitar hacer comparaciones viendo al nivel al que están los estudios de Sony. Es que juegan en divisiones diferentes.

  4. Luego diran que no es un dlc de expansión. Esperaba algo mas increíble ya que han pasado 5 años y se supones que es una nueva generación de consolas

  5. Maybe I'm going crazy, but the first game looks prettier to me.

  6. For a difference of 5 years, this progress is not great, in my opinion. But I really like this game

  7. Well, It's PS4 game on PS5 and thanks to SDD can put more things to download. But still looks like PS4 game.

  8. El problema de este juego es que no inventan codas nuevas. Esa mision de perseguir a un enemigo casi media ciudadby el tirandote cosas me canse de hacerlas ennel 1. Y en el 2 mas de lo mismo..

  9. Falto que pusieran lluvia o tormenta en cualquier momento y que se pueda interactuar jugar sin el traje por la ciudad y poder comprar ropa a Peter asi. Como estilo gta pero eso ya seria pedir mucho no pero se seria genial un juego asi

  10. Yo sentia que spiderman 2 solo seria como un dlc y un precio nada justificado, pero conforme mas informacion voy viendo, realmente estoy viendo que si merece la pena el precio, esperare el tiempo que sea para poder jugarlo en Steam 😀

  11. Well I might be wrong but I've noticed that they actually did not improve upon the existing graphics but they changed how the reflections look how the lighting looks in almost all the situations! Now some people may say that this is a graphical improvement but in my opinion Spider-Man Miles Morales or Spider-Man 1 already reached it's maximum graphical changes! Now they can just improv upon the lighting of the game to have better reflections! And the game no-where looks as good as the initial PlayStation Showcase Teaser back in 2021 now I understand that was just a teaser and not actual gameplay but all I mean that in terms of graphics they haven't actually improved drastically but yeah the gameplay showcased even to the reviewers who went in Los Angeles to try out the game said that the build they played was a 6 month old build so yeah Insomniac must have improved a lot upon till now! Anyways, I'm still as excited as I was before!

  12. Will we be able to change willingly at any time from black to red spiderman like web of shadows or is it a part of the story only?

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