MOBIUS FINAL FANTASY 2017 Trailer | Square Enix

MOBIUS FINAL FANTASY, made by the team behind the official Final Fantasy series, is a groundbreaking RPG specially crafted for mobile devices.

A fully featured battle system lets you unleash deadly attacks and awe-inspiring spells! Customize your character with endless combinations of jobs and abilities!

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  1. WHY?? why change Yoshitaka Amano original designs of the Warrior of Light to a whore shirt, unnecesary tan, droopy eyes, expressionless faces with a permanent expression of pain. Everyone looks the same… I really don't like that designer

  2. I really wanted to enjoy this but the prices for in game currency are just too expensive compared to the Japanese version.

  3. @Square Enix NA FF fans won't be satisfied until Final Fantasy VII Remake trailer appears or an announcement of Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary Collection.

  4. I wish it were an offline game, then i 'd gladly pay to purchase it. I know it's f2p technically but still, i really prefer a good story single player (j)rpg. Chaos Rings series were awesome, for example (as far as mobile games are concerned), i was sad when they were cancelled.

  5. How do you have a "new" trailer for a game almost a year old?

  6. I wish the job pull system hadn't been gutted. To me the most fun is trying all these new jobs and I'd kill for a monk or Bard but even putting money in it doesn't feel like I'm making progress towards it now.

    I find the game very entertaining, though. I just hope they adjust the job acquiring method. They've done it before, they can fix this yet!

  7. Why is there a trailer for this now? It's been out for a while? I watched it assuming something new would be presented. -.- Joke's on me I guess.

  8. so after ff15 we're just expected to go back to shitty english voice acting again… no thanks

  9. What the fuck are you thinking SE!? This is the franchise's 30th anniversary and you ain't doing dogshit but shitty mobile games and crap that no one gives a fuck about to celebrate it? Fuck off.

  10. Dont waste your time with this one, its a shitty moneygrab. Rather play a real console FF

  11. This is a prime example of a mobile game done right. Stunning visuals, simple combat with unlimited strategies, and it's in no way a pay to win. The buyable currency, Magicite, is readily available through login bonuses, 100 free every day from the distiller, and 50-100 as random drops in normal battle. You don't need to spend a dime to flourish in this game, and it's great. And, as of the 1st anniversary update, almost nothing is limited time. You can get any card besides collab cards, or any job at all at any time from a summon, as long as you're lucky. And you can get through 100% of the content with the basic jobs if you take the time to properly level them. As I said before, a mobile game done right.

  12. Seriously?!? I was really excited to add this to my PS4 wish list before I noticed it was a pay to win mobile game? Ugh.

  13. Wait til someone comments "Hey I get an error when starting the game"

  14. Please re-live this game, Square Enix. I really love this game. Please make it available again 🙏

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