A quick look into how this dramatic truck chase scene turned out from storyboard to final render! a sad jester girl turning into Luffy.


  1. I like how in the story boarding you have the character models T posing on 10% opacity in the background.
    Probably helps getting them done really fast.

  2. Reminded me of scratch from ice age when he tries to hold onto the sides of the glacier I think in ice age 2

  3. I could tell the silly lil dude jumped over a rock, but for the life of me i cannot see the rock in the finished product.

  4. Gumy goos Lil' friend did a peppino taunt(peppino is from pizza tower and tanting before geting hit counters,it did the same noise and white background efect aside from oviously posing,btw pizza tower is my favorite game

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