









  1. No offense but recap of episode that I watch on YouTube turn me off from ever watching this anime, because at first I found it interesting after watching recaps but when I saw this episode doing the thing I hate most that happens in stories, given the protagonist what they been fighting and journeying for only to snatch it away, I really hate that.

  2. I went ahead and saw what Falin would look like when we see her again… damn.
    All I can say is this: Imagine if you took the concept of a centaur and instead of having a horse half, the bottom looked like a gryphon that was made up using an eagle and a dragon instead of a lion.

  3. I mean she has been revive with a dragon blood afterall so that means her soul is part of the red dragon

    So that means the revival is a failure because we already know that merceline's regeneration magic is not good and has many flaws so making a revival magic by merceline's magic just make things worst

    So best word to say if dead just let them stay dead

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