週末のお出かけに、美術館めぐりはいかが?💫 東京でいま人気の展覧会のひとつが、塩田千春の個展「塩田千春展:魂がふるえる」。森美術館で10月27日まで開催中。

Going to museums might be a good way to spend your weekend💫
One of the most popular exhibitions in Tokyo is “Shiota Chiharu: The Soul Trembles”, a private exhibition of Chiharu Shiota. It is open until 10/27 at the Mori Art Museum.

photo: Christian Glaeser, 2016
#voguejapan #voguejapantrip #塩田千春 #森美術館 #shiotachiharu #moriartmuseum

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.