10月20日(金)に行われた、sacai / UNDERCOVER 夢のコラボショーの舞台裏を『VOGUE JAPAN』が徹底取材!モデルの高橋ララと福士リナと一緒にバックステージに潜入しました。ミレニアル代表の彼女たちの目に、夢のコラボショーはどう映る? 動画本編は近日公開予定。お楽しみに🎯

The @sacaiofficial and @undercover_lab show was held to the same stage, uniting Jun Takahashi and Chitose Abe for a runway experience that juxtaposed their Spring 2018 outlooks. VOGUE JAPAN went backstage with models @lalatakahashi226 and @rinao127. The long ver. movie will appear very soon. Stay stuned.
#sacai #undercover #amazontokyo #amazontokyofashionweek #tokyofashionweek
#amazonfashionjp #chitoseabe #juntakahashi #lalatakahashi #rinafukushi


WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.