国内外問わず大勢の観光客で賑わう“おもてなし”の街、#金沢 。ユネスコのクラフト創造都市として世界初認定を受け、2015年には #北陸新幹線 が開通、そして2016年10月からは、街をあげて工芸の魅力を世界へ発信するフェスティバル「#金沢21世紀工芸祭 」の開催と、日々進化し続けているこの街から再び目が離せない! カルチャーガールの #田中シェン と巡る、女子心をくすぐるヒストリカルな街へGO!・

Renowned for its omotenashi—a Japanese way of hospitality that doesn’t draw attention to itself—the city of #Kanazawa is bustling with tourists both domestic and international all year round. Recognized by UNESCO as its first Creative City of Crafts and Folk Art, the region was linked to Tokyo via the Hokuriku Shinkansen in 2015, and continues its evolution with the Kanazawa 21st Century Kogei Festival, which kicked off this past October as a community-driven platform to present its arts and crafts to a worldwide audience.In this installment, we journey around the swoon-worthy historic city alongside culture aficionada Shen Tanaka.

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WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.