【#島根県 #出雲市 、#松江市 編がスタート】島根県で出合えるのは“ご縁”だけ? 答えはもちろんNO! 日本の古社のひとつ出雲大社を有する出雲市から、平安時代より「枕草子」で三名泉のひとつと謳われた玉造温泉を経て、城下町として栄えた松江市までをつなぐ約45kmの旅路には日本神話の神秘性をもしのぐエクスペリエンス・デザインの旅が詰まっている。
【Our local guide for #Izumo and #Matsue in Shimane begins!】Shimane Prefecture is known for its spiritual sites, which bestow divine grace and good fortune. But there’s so much more to the region.

We recommend a 45km journey full of wonderful design experiences—starting from the city of Izumo, home to one of Japan’s oldest shrines Izumo Taisha, passing through Tamatsukuri Onsen, a hot spring praised in the Heian period work The Pillow Book as one of Japan’s three greatest hot springs, and ending in the city of Matsue which flourished as a castle town. The mysticism of the legends rooted in the area is definitely enthralling, but the visually stunning locales are just as rewarding.
#izumo #mycozycity #ellelocal #japantravel #latergram #travel #trip #destination #instagravel

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.