【#島根県】#奥出雲 にある #ワイナリー へ半日トリップもおすすめ。シャルドネなど、ヨーロッパ品種をメインに自然に寄り添いながら育てたぶどう畑から、一本一本手作業で作られる #ワイン は年間生産量約5万本。併設のレストランでは、地産地消の食材にこだわった創作メニューとともにワインもいただけるから、広大な景色と食事を楽しみに出かけてみて🍷🍾
【#Shimane】We recommend taking a half-day trip to this vineyard located in the Oku-Izumo area, where the grapes—mainly European in variety, such as Chardonnay—are grown in nature’s embrace and made into bottled wine that is each sealed and labeled lovingly by hand. In this way, the winery produces around fifty thousand bottles a year. The restaurant on the premises offers wine (of course!) and a creative array of dishes—made using ingredients that are locally produced for local consumption. Great views and great food—what more could you possibly need?
Oku-Izumo Vineyard
Address: 2273-1 Jiryou, Kisuki-cho, Unnan City, Shimane Prefecture

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.

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