【#島根県松江市】第7代藩主で、茶道の一派・不昧流を創始した松平不昧公。当時、松江城を臨む城下町に建てられた寺院・普門院のなかの「観月庵」には、たびたび不昧公も訪れていたとか。地元のオリジナルの和菓子と共に松江の茶の文化を体験すべし🍵 お抹茶付き拝観¥700
【#Matsue #Shimane】Matsue’s seventh-generation feudal lord Matsudaira Fumai, who founded the Fumai school of Japanese tea ceremony, is said to have frequented the Kangetsuan tea ceremony room, which was built within Fumon-in Temple in what was then a castle town adjacent to Matsue Castle. If you want to experience Matsue’s tea culture, this is a must-visit—enjoy your cup of tea with the original regional wagashi (Japanese sweets). *Entrance is ¥700, which includes a cup of matcha tea.
Fumon-in and Kangetsuan
Address: 27 Kitata-machi, Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.