tel. 0852-21-2344
【#Matsue #Shimane】Along with Kyoto and Kanazawa, Matsue is a city famous for its many tea rooms and confectioners. If you want to experience authentic chanoyu (tea ceremony) culture here, definitely head to one of the many long-established wagashi (Japanese sweets) stores and try any one of their delectable confections. The yamakawa, confectioner Furyu-do’s variation of the Japanese sweet rakugan, counts itself as one of Japan’s three most famous confections. Named by the tea ceremony master Matsudaira Fumai, it was exclusively for the members of the Izumo clan until the end of the Tokugawa shogunate—and is now available to be enjoyed by all as the perfect accompaniment to tea.
Address: 250-50 Yada-cho, Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture
Phone: 0852-21-2344

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.