A special guest and my dream come true partner @philiphneal 💛
It was an amazing few days to work on Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No.2 with him. He reminded me to have the mind set to “Just do it!” It works like a magic! Thank you Philip! I love your motivating way of teaching and being an inspirational role model 🙏🏻 Thank you @mj_slattery for always choreographing for the videos🌟 私がSABにいた頃NYCBのスターだったフィリップがステージングにきてくださいました。やる気にさせてくれる魔法のような指導力🔥 インスピレーションをありがとう。#love #ballet #bow #ballerina #stage #ballerinalife #magic #happy #happiness #dance #art #幸せ #バレエ #バレリーナ #rehearsal #work #感謝 #inspiration #motivation #dreampartner

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