この度、Paul Smith のアンバサダーとして就任させて頂きました。Paul Smith の魅力をより多くの人に伝えられたらと思います。 ・

🎈19歳の誕生日にPaul Smith のパスポート入れを貰いました。

皆さんにとっても、Paul Smith がそんな掛け替えのない存在になりますように🐎🎁
I’m so excited and honored to be appointed a Paul Smith Ambassador. I want to share the attractions of Paul Smith with as many people as possible. ・

🎈I was given a Paul Smith passport case for my 19th birthday from a dear lady who is like our big mamma from my management office. Ever since then, this case has been close to me on all my important trips abroad; to the UK, USA, Europe, Laos…and I have shared many dear and valuable experiences with it. I now feel so honored and blessed with such an opportunity and feel a special bond after 10 years since receiving that gift. I want to treasure this meeting from the bottom of my heart.

I hope that Paul Smith will become as special to everyone as it is to me.🐎🎁

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.

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