
🎁 🎅🏻💕👧🏼👦🏼🧒🏼👶🏻🎄✨

羽生さんは 毎回開催地の児童予後施設で暮らしている子供たちなどへ寄付してるけど、子供達も嬉しいよね~🐻

We are happy to announce that bears which Yuzuru Hanyu received at #GPHelsinki will have a new home for Christmas through charity. Bears will go to children who would not otherwise be receiving presents. Thank you Yuzuru and fans. You are loved. 

#Hope #Joulupuukerays #YuzuruHanyu
#yuzuruhanyu #hanyu #figureskate #figureskater #羽生結弦 #pooh #finland 

from SkatingFinland(Twitter)

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.

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