五輪2連覇、仙台で開催 | 

平昌五輪のフィギュアスケート男子で羽生結弦が66年ぶりの2連覇を達成し、地元の仙台市で開かれた祝賀パレードの経済効果は 推計約18億5000万円だったと30日、実行委員会が発表した。


A parade held this spring to celebrate two-time figure skating Olympic champion Yuzuru Hanyu in his native Sendai in northeastern Japan generated an estimated 1.85 billion yen ($16 million) worth of economic impact, its organizer said Friday.

The committee has around 22 million yen left after the cost of running the parade was deducted from its total revenue generated from sales of T-shirts and other goods as well as donations and sponsorship fees.

The money will be donated to a local skating federation in Miyagi in line with Hanyu’s wishes and is expected to be used to train future skaters.

#yuzuruhanyu #hanyu #figureskate #figureskater #羽生結弦

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.

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