Swipe to see the transformation! Beautiful work from Marieke, a certified KonMari Consultant based in Lausanne, Switzerland. Visit the official account of Marieke and her sister Eliette, also a KonMari Consultant, @clarityhomedetox ⠀

“The KonMari Method did even more than put my life in order. Like Marie says, “the greatest change that occurs through tidying is that you will learn to like yourself.” It is the art to know, to like, and to enjoy yourself. The KonMari Method gave me, a very tired mother, my energy back and all the space I needed to be more of the parent I wished to be for my daughter.”⠀

Read her story of how the KonMari Method transformed her life, and what differences a KonMari Consultant can make in the clients’ life. Find the article on our website’s newsletter page! konmari.com/newsletter ⠀
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WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.