Tidying up transforms not only your living space but your whole life. This is the defining principle of the KonMari Method.⠀

People sometimes say even though they’ve read my book, they haven’t gotten around to actually tidying yet. They’re planning to do it someday, but don’t have time right now.⠀

If you fall into this category, you may be wondering what you should do next.⠀

There’s really only one answer: Make up your mind and begin.⠀

Today, I’m excited to share that KonMari is expanding, and soon we’ll be offering a tidying kit to help you put your home in order. I’m thrilled to begin this next chapter with you. Stay tuned! ⠀ ⠀

Join the KonMari movement and follow @konmari.co!

WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.

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