Performance at @unitednations Head Quarter with @sonitalizadeh for #PeaceIsEvent by @japanmission_un filmed by @88rising I was so honored to have Sonita, a strong girl who has the voice which resonates with many of the refugee girls and represents them. Also was great to feel first hand that music can be an important part of spreading knowledge as Secretary-General Antonio Guterres kindly mentioned at the event. Thank you UN & JapanMission for this opportunity. Nothing is yet solved, let’s keep moving forward.
#Repost @miyavi_news【Peace is … #Acceptance】MIYAVI + SONITA Perform “Long Nights” Live at the U.N.
Full ver▶
今年1/22に国連ビジター入口で第6回「Peace is…」が開催され、MIYAVIとSonitaが”Long Nights”を披露。
#世界難民の日 に合わせてMIYAVI公式Youtubeにてアップされました。
Artwork by @fantasistautamaro
#MIYAVI #SONITA #LongNights #performance #PeaceIsEvent #WorldRefugeeDay #WithRefugeess #難民とともに #MIYAVI_UNHCR 🙆‍♂


WACOCA JAPAN: People, Life, Style.