作詞 : 秋元 康 / 作曲 : 福田 貴史 / 編曲 : 佐々木 裕

AKB48 36thシングル「ラブラドール・レトリバー」TYPE-K 収録曲。

●AKB48 Team K
相笠 萌・阿部マリア・石田晴香・岩佐美咲・内田眞由美
北原里英・小嶋真子・兒玉 遥・小林香菜・後藤萌咲・島田晴香
松井珠理奈・宮崎美穂・山本 彩・湯本亜美・横山由依

2014.5.21. ON SALE!!


AKB48 Official Site


【MV】Itoshiki Rival (Beloved Rival) -Digest- / AKB48 [Official]
Lyrics: Yasushi Akimoto / Composer: Takashi Fukuda / Arranger: Hiroshi Sasaki

Recorded in AKB48 36th Single “Labrador Retriever” TYPE-K.

~ Itoshiki Rival (Beloved Rival) Selected Member ~
AKB48 Team K
Moe Aigasa, Maria Abe, Haruka Ishida, Misaki Iwasa, Mayumi Uchida, Rie Kitahara, Mako Kojima, Haruka Kodama, Kana Kobayashi, Moe Goto, Haruka Shimada, Hinana Shimoguchi, Shihori Suzuki, Mariya Suzuki, Yuuka Tano, Mariya Nagao, Jurina Matsui, Miho Miyazaki, Sayaka Yamamoto, Ami Yumoto, Yui Yokoyama

2014.5.21 ON SALE!!



  1. so, who's the ace of K now??
    from that preview, i kinda think that jurina & sayanee is the ace, like double ace…
    i honestly think that the ace should be from original AKB
    like capt yui, or newcomer kojimako & aigasa moe, or the girls that not really at the front but far from the back kitarie & myao… like i dont know aymore…
    if they ever put sister(s) for the team ace it would be a total INVASION…

    & just so u guys know i am sayanee oshi… doesnt mean to discriminates or anything at all….

  2. The song is typical AKB but the clip style, costumes and dance are clearly K-Pop style. Song and visual style don't fit. Lately some or many J-idol-pop groups are imitating K-Pop style but the result in most cases is no good at all. Imitating is for losers, and if J-pop groups are trying to imitate K-pop, it means J-pop is losing the game.

  3. そうなんです。関西に住んで、5カ月それまで、鳥取に居ました。よろしくお願いいたします。でも本当に歳ですよ。僕。

  4. 正直世界選抜総選挙のときさや姉にいて欲しかった……。珠理奈VSさや姉を見たかったなあ。さや姉と珠理奈のダンスバトル好きだわ。

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