"パリコレ公明 "上白石萌歌の金髪が話題!

On June 21, Fuji Television Network, Inc. announced that actress Moeka Kamihiraishi will appear in the drama “Paripi Komei” starting this fall. It is expected that we will see a different Kamihiraishi from the past.
 The drama is a musical coming-of-age comedy in which the famous military strategist Zhuge Kongming, played by lead actor Osamu Mukai, is reincarnated from the Three Kingdoms period in China to the present day and leads a girl, played by Kamihiraishi, to success in her quest to become a singer. For the role, Kamihakuishi bleached her hair for the first time in her life and transformed into a blonde. When she saw herself with blonde hair in the mirror, she said, “Naturally, I let out a “Yay! When she looked at herself in the mirror, she said, “Yay!
#パリピ孔明 #上白石萌歌 #向井理
#J-POPアーティスト#中島 #女性MC #女優 #女性歌手



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