AKB48 team B member Yuki Kashiwagi had tried morning musume Happy8 Audition.



  1. 2006年かー

  2. Too funny reading Hello Project apologists justifying the selection of Aika Mitsui over the clearly more talented Yukirin. For those who say that Yukirin didn't fit in Morning Musume, neither does Aika. What has Aika accomplished in her several years in Morning Musume? Honestly??? Tsunku screwed the pooch on this one and he knows it. Make it right Tsunku and please graduate her. She's a fifth wheel on the group.

  3. Since when did ever Tsunku ever chose the girls based on perfection and extreme talent? Those are Avex's job.

  4. モー娘。自体最初は、平家みちよに負けた負け組みだった、ゆきりんにしろ落選を糧にしたな。

  5. Yukirin is better is a better fit in AKB, she doesn't feel like a Momusu. I love both groups but I prefer Morning Musume over AKB even now, especially cause the 9th and 10th gen r something special…. But besides that Aika is still 1 of the worst members of Momusu, i wouldn't have picked her if i was in Tsunku's shoes…He should have went with Sato Sumire, who was 1 of the other finalist for this audition…I think she fits better here than over in AKB but i'm happy she made it somewhere

  6. Yuki has an awesome/gentle singing voice. I'll go and listen to her now~ And personally I also thought Aika was a poor choice here. Idk… it just kinda felt like she didn't go anywhere.

  7. Yukrin is not the only one who audition also minami minegishi and Haruna Kojima ! i bet the man who said no regrets it because they r so popular now ! and Haruna really loves MM

  8. Koda Kumi auditioned for MM? wth? he reject her? please someone tell me!

  9. Not really. They're all great girls, but they're better suited for AKB. C'mon, as an AKB48 fan, you can't honestly say you would rather see Minami or Yuki in Momusu. Tsunku saying "no" wasn't wrong. It all worked out in the end.

  10. Of course not. He's not a psychic nor is it not his job to cultivate every talent he finds. But he was still right. They didn't fit in with Momusu's image and because of him saying "no", they've obviously succeeded quite well in AKB.

    Tsunku has rejected lot of girls with a lot of talent, but you know and I know and he knows that Momusu isn't the only idol group out there. They don't make it in Momusu? Chances are they'll find another way to debut as an idol, if they're talented enough.

  11. If Yukirin audition in 6th and lose, I quite get because all of 6 gen so quality.
    Although, I am musume fan and never follow akb48 but I still deplore Yukirin. Becaise, her talent shouldn't lose Aika (include appearance too)

  12. here's the thing though….for all you AKB hardcore otakus, MM at this point of their tenure had already started to cool off after having been in Jpop for almost TEN YEARS… So to say AKB's "success" at this point of their rise in Jpop had nothing to do with MM not having an impact in the Jpop world because they did things differently. Morning Musume didn't need to cater to feeding horny old men or virginal 20-30-40 year olds just to stay on top or make them legitimate performer/entertainers….Morning Musume's best years was when AKB did not even exist yet. AKB just happened to catch fire when MM was leveling off or on their way down just as the original members (Iida, Yossie, Rika, etc…) were on their way out. So AKB in a sense, never faced them or competed with MM on a level playing field when MM was the best thing in Japan pre-2005. It helps AKB's "rise" too that they were lucky to have existed when Youtube and other websites like that was coming into play at the time. MM never had that advantage, yet were considered the best girl group prior to all that youtube stuff. That says a lot….Most of their (MM) fans pretty much left after Yossie graduated. Having been a recent fan of Jpop, being a Kpop fan first, I was drawn to MM first because of their similarities with Kpop: Both aren't limited to the cutesy anime stuff and at least have some decent choreography to go with their songs. AKB on the other hand is predicated on the girls' looks…i know some of you are tired of hearing that…but let's be honest here….i mean look at some of the AKB fans' comments here: ie, "MM missed out on having her because she's the top voter" or whatever the hell they mean….everything AKB fan's arguments is predicated on AKB's "success" because of the fact that the girl they like gets a lot of votes?! Votes for what? Lurking forums,  all i get from AKB fans are their odd rationale for their obsession for them based on being a top vote getter…what does that have anything to do with them and their music?! Maybe i'm missing something since I'm a late bloomer or not as obsessed as some of you to all this Jpop stuff.

    this argument isn't a rant against AKB. I happen to like them too but not to the point that I'm overly obsessed with them like some of you Jpop fans are. For me MM music has always been better (just my personal taste) but I DO like 3-4 AKB songs as well. Tsunku's problem for not choosing Yukirin was odd considering his whole thing about forming a girl group in the first place was based on finding girls with talents that he can bring together and see of they can make something happen in the music world. Yuki, imo was very good in her audition. It boggles the mind why he passed on her. Yuki showed she can not only dance and sing but that she can also do ballads, something I thought MM could add to their current group at the time. I mean they could've had a trio of Aichan, her, &  Reina sharing lead vocals. But that didn't stop there. He also passed on You Kikkawa the following year whom, i thought, would've also made an impact as a fourth lead vocalist MM member and instead ended up with Koharu who couldn't sing for sh*t, Aika who was decent but seemed plain or "safe" and a couple of Chinese girls which i read was a controversial decision at the time.

     All things considered though, especially since this was over 5 years ago, I know I shouldn't be getting worked up about something that happened in the past which i was never aware of until i became a Jpop fan only recently. In the end, everything worked out for everybody. Yukirin "style" was better suited to AKB's anime-ish approach. And Morning Musume has since been resurrected led by Sayu, one of the last remaining older generation MM members.

  13. I love both H!P and 48 groups.  Yukirin did well though, Tsunku thought so too, even if she didn't make it all the way through to being chosen.

  14. I love both groups as they are today,
    If Yukirin had passed both groups would be different today.. Examples: Momusu would not have evolved into the colorful era as Yuki's timeless image would discourage H!P from changing. Realistically, Yuki would still have a fair portion of her current success with MM. Meaning AKB48 would not have gained the portion of success Yukirin brought as the third most popular. Honestly, she is famous for the Variety title as Japan's Reaction Queen , her job in Haromoni could have gained the same status. She's still gaining fans as an AKB member only reaching her first center position as of 2015.. With that being said the AKB singles haven't really contributed to her success as much as her Variety roles have. Momusu would STILL likely have the Platinum line-up's theme to maintain the status like AKB has been doing for 10 years. I know it isn't ALL because of Yuki but if she was the leader of MM today it would be her responsibility to maintain it

  15. Haha! oh look yukirin's voice and face are the same she has always been cute but now she's turned into a gorgeous lady. Maybe she's really destined to be in AKB i'm just glad i met yukirin ^__^

  16. MM's numbers were terrible after 2004 or so until picking up again in 2012 or so. AKB Ayumi Hamasaki, Koda Kumi and such- they were the big hits for female artists. Solo singers, some R&B vibes. Sure, MM was still releasing and there were still some groups performing, but the idol scene was relatively dead. AKB didn't hit it big until late 2009- a good 5-6 years after MM stopped selling well.
    The point is, person I can't reply to… MM wasn't cooling off when AKB hit it off. They were cold. Ice cold. After semi-hit Nanchatte Renai, they would go on a string of six 40K sellers. For the most iconic idol group at the time, terrible. AKB made it big despite the climate having been very anti-female idol for over 5 years. They brought the genre back. And, IMHO, due to crappy decisions by HP!, even though they were one of the groups with good name recognition and in good position to take off, it would take Momusu another 3 years to actually be able to start cashing in on the wave.

  17. これ光井愛佳ちゃんが受かったんですよね

  18. ゆきりんだ〜!



  20. ゆきりんがモー娘。になれなかったのは、モー娘。落ちてAKBを受けた部分なのかなって個人的に思う。

  21. 「アイドルになりたい」という本気度が違ったんだな。

  22. 2020年ゴマキとゆきりんがYoutubeとコラボする日が来るとは

  23. 今さらなんだけどさ、、柏木がここで落ちた理由ってなんだろう、、、たしかにちょっとまだ顔立ちは地味なかんじはあるけどそれは合格した光井にも言える点だし柏木のほうが声質も良さそうなのにな、、1期まえの久住が華なら、柏木は花というかんじでいい看板になりそうだしAKBでトップ3に上がってくるほどのポテンシャルは秘めてたわけだろう?

  24. Watching again this videos of this audition made me mad because really Yukirin Sumire or Kiikawa Yui being left out for Aika was a complete mistake, now Aika is the less popular member of the group because her charisma was ok and nothing else and is sad because then everything is ruin when the japanese don't accept well chinese members Junjun Linin that are more funny and in LinLin case have more talent than Aika but their generation were the less popular in all Morning Musume history

  25. 柏木由紀を合格させていたら道重のあとのリーダーだったね!

  26. 奥村陽ちゃんにハロプロメンバーになって芸能界で活躍して頂きたい♬

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