
 三重県の魅力PRするイベント「三重県 新プロモーション発表会」が9月26日、東京都内で行われ、同県出身で元バドミントン選手の小椋久美子さんや女優の足立梨花さん、お笑いタレントのチャンカワイさん、鈴木英敬県知事が出席し、三重県の魅力を伝えるトークショーを行った。

People born in Mie prefecture Kumiko Ogura, Rika Adachi, Chan Kawai attend! Behind-the-scenes of PV! “Press conference on new promotion debut of Mie prefecture” 1

The event “Press conference on new promotion debut of Mie Prefecture” to PR for the attractiveness of Mie Prefecture was held in Tokyo on September 26th. People who come from this prefecture including former badminton player Kumiko Ogura, actress Rika Adachi, comedian Chan Kawai, and governor Eikei Suzuki attended the event and held a talk show to promote the charm of Mie Prefecture.


  1. てか三重弁でもっと喋れや!お前ら3人標準語で三重県PRすんなよ。by三重県民

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