
 女優の川栄李奈さんが11月21日、東京都内で開かれた劇場版アニメ「KUBO/クボ 二本の弦の秘密」(トラビス・ナイト監督)の公開記念舞台あいさつに登場。川栄さんは、同作の日本語吹き替え版で、悪役の闇の姉妹の声を担当した。



Kawaei Rina & Pierre Taki, in the scene recommending “sashimi”

Actress Kawaei Rina appeared for stage greetings in the premier of the anime movie “Kubo and the Two strings” (directed by Travis Knight) held in Tokyo on 21st November. Kawaei Rina played the voice of the villians, Dark sisters in Japanese dubbed version.

Set in Japane, the movie is the stop-motion animation by Laika, LLC. – company which is famous for “Corpse bride” or “Coraline”.

The story is about a teenager named Kubo whose family was lost by power of darkness, who has mysterious power that manipulates Origami with music from his Shamisen. He befriends the Monkey and the Beetle, together they fight against the enemies of his family.

At the stage greetings that day, Pierre Taki who played the voice of the Beetle, a friend of the protagonist, Kubo in Japanese dubbed version also appeared.

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