【岩田絵里奈】 同局では新型コロナウイルス感染で人気アナが続々離脱している。

#スッキリ #山本紘之 #岩田絵里奈 #市來玲奈 #水卜麻美 #石川みなみ #藤井貴彦

At the beginning of the program, Keisuke Mori, the station’s announcer and MC, reported, “Due to illness, announcer Iwata will take a day off. Koji Kato of the comedy duo Gokurakutombo, who also serves as MC, followed with an explanation of the situation: “As of now, he has a sore throat, so he will undergo a PCR test today.
 Takahiko Fujii and Reina Ichikura of “news every.” and Mami Mizuto, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, and Minami Ishikawa of “ZIP!” have all left the station after contracting the new strain of corona. There is also concern about a cluster in the Nittele announcing department….




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